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"Well, I say, Kickup," cried the youth, picking up his hat, which had fallen off in the convulsion, and drying his tears, "you're a sweet-lookin' creetur, you are! Is this a new frock you've got to go to church with? Come, I rather like that pattern; but there's not quite enough of 'em. Suppose I lend a hand and print a few more all over you?

Here's a case or two o' wet goods been busted open, seems like, in all that kickup an' mebbe now some o' the wild boys got a taste that helped keep 'em in the roarin', tearin' fight they had but looks as if every man must a' been mighty keen on jumpin' his bail. Wow! I can't blame 'em any, if the way my eyes feel is a fair sample o' what they got served out to 'em!"

He went to bed on the evening of July 10th with an easy mind, without the remotest apprehension of danger. The sun set about ten o'clock, and Lady Clare and Shag greeted its last departing rays with a whinny, accompanied by a wanton kickup from the rear for whatever Lady Clare did Shag felt in honor bound to do, and was conscious of no disgrace in his abject and ape-like imitation.

"You must know, then, that it's reported there are pirates on the island." "Oh!" exclaimed Alice. "D'ye know what pirates are, Puppy?" "Hee! hee!" answered the girl. "I do believe she don't know nothin'," said the boy, looking at her with an air of compassion "wot a sad thing it is to belong to a lower species of human natur! Well, I s'pose it can't be helped. A pirate, Kickup, is a sea-robber.

The girl stared with a vacant countenance at the bright, intelligent face of the child, and shook her head slowly. "Why don't you ask me?" inquired Corrie. "You might as well ask Toozle as that potato Kickup. Eh? Puppy, don't you confess that you are no better than a vegetable? Come, now, be honest." "Hee! hee!" replied Poopy. "Humph! I thought so. But that's an odd question of yours, Alice.

Until to-night then, my friend." Douglas shook him by the hand. "There will be some sort of a kickup behind after the show," he remarked. "Champagne and sandwiches and a little Royalty. Remember that I am relying upon you to bring Cicely." "We are as likely to forget our own existence," Drexley laughed. "For a few hours then, au revoir."

Well, I s'pose it can't be helped. A pirate, Kickup, is a sea-robber. D'ye understand?" "Ho! ho!" "Aye, I thought so.