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Momentarily reduced to the democracy of pedestrianism, they would lose themselves in the surging mob of passers-by shop-girls on their way to a cinema; rural visitors shocked and thrilled with everything; keen-faced, black-haired Jews speculating on life's profits; sallow-faced, lustrous-eyed girls hungry for romance, imagining every begowned woman to be an adventuress, and every man a Prince Charming; here and there an Irish policeman, proving that his people can control any country but their own.

The small, keen-faced priest with the eyes of fire came out of the circle of lamplight and took the extended hands. "I have come, Anthony Dalaber; I have come, as I said. Have you a welcome for me, and for mine errand?"

Julie, lazily making the announcement after a long silence, shut her magazine with a sigh of sleepy content; and braced herself more comfortably against the old rowboat that was half buried in sand at her back. She turned as she spoke to smile at the woman near her, a frail, keen-faced little woman luxuriously settled in an invalid's wheeled chair.

Within an incredibly short time he was flat on a mattress laid on the throbbing steel floor of the submarine. A keen-faced officer stood beside him. 'Both the sweepers gone? he asked gravely. 'I'm afraid so, sir. The "Swan" was knocked all to bits, and we saw the "Maid" sink. I believe we are the only survivors. 'We heard the firing, but couldn't get here sooner. But you're in khaki.

The keen-faced man slouched away across the square to where his fire burnt; and presently the other man rose and went, either to look at his own pot or sleep under the carts; and the large Colonial man was left alone.

Sharp, here's an Amazon for you." As she spoke, Lucy hurried across the stage, followed by Christie, wearing any thing but an Amazonian expression just then. "Ever on before?" abruptly asked, a keen-faced, little man, glancing with an experienced eye at the young person who stood before him bathed in blushes. "No, sir." "Do you sing?" "A little, sir." "Dance, of course?" "Yes, sir."

Tom held one of these grants, alas, and many others whom I knew. Virginia repudiated Henderson. Keen-faced speculators bought acre upon acre and tract upon tract from the State, and crossed the mountains to extort. Claims conflicted, titles lapped.

He was lodged in the Government buildings, adapted a few years before from the old temple of the Christian Scientists; and each day in the rotunda he sat hour after hour with keen-faced Americans, and the few Europeans who had accompanied the emigration boats that now streamed in continually.

The youngest of the four assembled at the table was the Italian, a rather thin, keen-faced, dark-moustached man of refined appearance. "Madonna mia!" he cried, raising his face to the Frenchman, "why, what has happened? This is unusual. Besides, why should we wait? I've only just arrived from Turin, and haven't had time to go to the hotel. Let us get on. Avanti!"

A murmur of dismay and sympathy arose. "What can we do to find her?" she went on. They fell to talking among themselves. The next instant, two men came up to us, making their way from the neighborhood of the door. The one was a keen-faced, elderly man, with iron-gray whiskers and clean-shaved chin; the other was my first acquaintance in the neighborhood, the young bricklayer.