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Then going up to the priest, she addressed him with a grace that would have been winning in a countess. "Father," said she, "you have heard the exchange that Kathi and I have made. The dowry is hers the ring is mine. As long as I live, I shall wear this token of my emperor's condescending goodness. And when I die, father, promise me that my ring shall go with me to the grave."

At this moment, however, no one is dreaming for an instant of being ill: that might happen after, but must not precede the feast. Kathi and Moidel, experienced cooks and housewives, work steadily on, without feeling the least anxiety for the success of their stupendous efforts.

A firm belief in the goodness of the swallows made Kathi honor and welcome the familiar visitants. "They were no greedy guests," she said, "for they always arrived when the bins of meal and winter provisions were empty, and in the autumn, as soon as they were filled again, they were off without bite or bit."

So saying, she held out the paper, while Kathi with a scream of delight, snatched it from her hand, and as quick as thought, drew the ring from her own finger. "If you repent your bargain, Marianne," said she, "so much the worse for you. The dowry is mine and mine it shall remain." Marianne did not listen. She placed the ring upon her own hand, and contemplated it with a smile of satisfaction.

Before we part, let me gratify some wish of yours. Speak first, Kathi." "H'm," said Kathi, "I have many wishes. It is not so easy to say what I want." "Well, take time, and think for a moment, child." Kathi looked as if she were making a bold resolve. "That ring upon your finger it is the prettiest thing I ever saw. Will you give it to me?"

Marianne was at his side, and as he looked into the lustrous depths of her dark eyes, he wished himself a peasant that he might look into them forever. Meanwhile Kathi and her father walked together in the garden. They were both examining the diamond ring, and the hearts of both were filled with ambitious thoughts and hopes. "He must be very rich," said Kathi, in a low voice.

During the entire journey I sat with my handkerchief over my head, even while the guard collected the tickets. Exhausted!" She came into the arbour wearing a black and white spotted dressing-gown, and a calico cap peaked with patent leather, followed by Kathi, carrying the little blue jugs of malt coffee. We were formally introduced.

Why, then, should not the two Margarets, they being the most desirous of a change, have at least a sommerfrisch? But which amongst all these baths was the one to choose? Good Kathi recommended her baths at Innichen. She herself evidently did not derive much pleasure from her yearly visits there.

The old peasant began to be anxious. If it had been Kathi alone, it would have been easy enough to guess at the delay. She was gossiping with Valentine, and forgetting that she had father or sister, home or dinner. But Marianne was along, and she never flirted or loitered. What could be the matter? But what was that coming up the road? Marianne!

In the stube sat Kathi, seated on one of the wooden settees which surrounded the room, her good old face bent silently over a paste board placed on one of the square tables at which the large family took their meals. This was more convenient than in the gewölbe, or huge pantry, which was half buried in provender: besides, Kathi thought, it struck damp.