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There are moments when she is plainly Käthi, the waitress at the Münchner Hofbraühaus. And though she declares to Jokanaan that "it is his mouth of which she is enamored," she delivers the words in her own true-hearted, unaffected brogue.

The handsome chromo-lithographs had been smuggled to the stationer's, and framed for the embellishment of the great sitting-room; the snuff-box for the Hofbauer the pipe and beer-mug for Onkel Johann, the satin kerchiefs for Kathi and Moidel, were all ready and ticketed; so were the neckties and tobacco-pouches for Anton and Jakob, when a bright idea struck E . She would subscribe for the illustrated Alpenfreund, to afford reading in the stube in the long snowy winter evenings.

Surely we will take her? We give her no hopes, merely promising that if we come another year and she be then out of place, we will gladly employ her. This is a drop of comfort, and she rushes down stairs to convey at least this bit of good news to Kathi.

"Why, Marianne," cried Kathi impatiently, "do you not see that he is a rich and great lord, who will give you any thing you ask? Why do you stand so dumb?" "Come, dear Marianne," whispered the emperor, "have you no wish that I can gratify?" "Yes, sir," cried Marianne, in a voice scarcely audible. "Speak it, then, sweet one, and it shall be granted."

He has ridden day and night to deliver his message, and, although he is covered with mud and dust, he insisted that I should announce him to your royal highness." "A courier from Louise!" murmured the duchess. "Something must have happened! Go, Kathi, bid him come into my little parlor. Will monseigneur excuse me? I am deeply concerned lest some misfortune should have befallen my sister."

Kathi held out her hand, and when it had been placed upon her finger she turned it around to see it glisten, and laughed for joy. "And you, Marianne," said Joseph, changing his tone as he addressed the beautiful creature who stood at his side, "tell me your wish. Let it be something hard to perform, for then I shall be all the happier to grant it." But Marianne spoke not a word.

Decide between us, and remember who it is that asks for lodging here." The head of the old priest sank upon his breast. "Oh," thought Kathi, "I hope he will say yes." Marianne made not a movement, while her father looked anxiously toward the priest. "Well, father, well," cried Joseph.

A few minutes later we find the two women, joined by Moidel, standing; against the cellar door, which is kept closely shut, that the smell emitted by a vat of sauerkraut may not offend the fastidious nostrils of the gentry. Kathi has a sprig of rosemary behind her ear, and her bare arms wrapped up in her blue apron, always in her case a sign of ease and relaxation.

They represented a world of which he was already shy, of high standards, duties rigorously performed, pledges to thrift and labor. Life with Kathi was more to his taste. He loved its easy irresponsibility, its lack of routine, its recognition of amusement as a prime necessity. He delivered his dictum, his mother wept triumphant tears, and the relations departed washing their hands of him.

"Father," said Kathi, at length, "if Marianne had such a ring as this on her finger she would find many hundred wooers who would forgive her for having had ONE before them." "Silence!" cried the old man. "If your mother were alive to hear these guilty words, she would think that you were no longer innocent yourself. How I wish she were here in this trying hour!