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Then Yokoyama Choja, rejoicing, caused many dishes to be prepared, containing all delicacies furnished by the mountains and the sea , and well entertained the Hangwan. At last, when the wine-drinking began to flag, Yokoyama uttered the wish that his guest, the lord Kane-uji, would also furnish some entertainment . "And what shall it be?" the Hangwan asked.

Whereupon the Emperor commanded that Kane-uji should be banished to the province of Hitachi, and that the transformed female serpent should at once be taken back to the pond upon the mountain of Kurama. And being thus compelled by imperial order to depart, Kane-uji went away to the province of Hitachi, followed only by his faithful retainer, Ikenoshoji.

And for this Chobei was really grateful; and in compensation he presented the Hangwan with the hundred horses from his stable, and gave to Terute the thirty-six servants belonging to his house. And then Terute-Hime, appropriately attired, went away with the Prince Kane-uji; and, they began their journey to Sagami with hearts full of joy.

But soon the master of the joroya began to see that his new servant was no common woman, and to treat her with a great show of kindness. A house of prostitution. And now we shall tell what became of Kane-uji.

But the Prince Hangwan Kane-uji at once loosened the chain by which the horse was fastened, and rode upon him with wondrous ease. In spite of his fierceness, Onikage found himself obliged to do everything which his rider wished. All present, Yokoyama and the others, could not speak for astonishment.

And now I shall gladly tell you all my history; hoping only that you, my lord, will tell me something of that ghostly world from which you have come back, and in which my husband, alas, now dwells. "I remember too well, alas! having been wedded, three years ago, to a famous person of rank, whose name was Oguri-Hangwan Kane-uji, who used to live in the province of Hitachi.

But my husband was poisoned by my father at the instigation of his own third son, Saburo. "I myself was condemned by him to be drowned in the sea of Sagami. And I owe my present existence to the faithful servants of my father, Onio and Oniji." Then the lord Hangwan said, "You see here before you, Terute, your husband, Kane-uji.

"Divine, I pray you, the meaning of this letter, and preserve it. I hope for a fortunate answer. Thinking of Terute-Hime, I feel as though I could fly." And the Princess Terute found at the end of the letter the name of him who wrote it, Oguri-Hangwan Kane-uji himself, together with her own name, as being written to her.

Then Kane-uji called for inkstone and writing-brush, and wrote a love-letter, and tied it up with such a knot as love-letters are tied with. And he gave it to the merchant to be delivered to the lady; and he gave him also, in reward for his services, one hundred golden ryo. Sayemon again and again prostrated himself in thanks; and he put the letter into the box which he always carried with him.

The Emperor was troubled greatly by these omens; and he sent for the astrologers, that they might explain the causes thereof. They said in answer to the questions asked of them that the terrible weather was caused only by the anger of the male serpent, seeking vengeance for the loss of its mate, which was none other than the fair woman that Kane-uji had brought back with him.