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Wyndham, sir," comes raging to the stables and said I'd half-killed his best prize-winner, and had oughter be shot, and he gives the Master his notice. But Miss Dorothy she follows him, and says it was his Red Elfberg what began the fight, and that I'd saved Jimmy's life, and that old Jimmy Jocks was worth more to her than all the St. Bernards in the Swiss mountains where-ever they be.

"In 'orsepittle," laconically replied Trooper Henry Hawker, late of Whitechapel, without looking up from the jack-boot he was polishing. "Phwat wid?" anxiously inquired the bereaved Phelim. "Wot wiv'? Wiv' callin' 'Threes abaht' after one o' the Young Jocks," was the literal reply. "Begob that same must be a good hand wid his fisties or was it a shillaleigh?" mused the Irishman.

"He rolled me around in the dirt, he did," says Jimmy Jocks, "an' I couldn't get up. It was low," says Jimmy Jocks, making a face like he had a bad taste in his mouth. "Low, that's what I call it bad form, you understand, young man, not done in my set and and low." He growled 'way down in his stomach, and puffed hisself out, panting and blowing like he had been on a run.

For before we set out Miss Dorothy brings a man from town who scrubbed and rubbed me, and sand-papered my tail, which hurt most awful, and shaved my ears with the Master's razor, so you could most see clear through 'em, and sprinkles me over with pipe- clay, till I shines like a Tommy's cross-belts. "Upon my word!" says Jimmy Jocks when he first sees me. "What a swell you are!

In addition to their prolonged and strenuous labours in the trenches, the Hairy Jocks had taken part in a Push a part not altogether unattended with glory, but prolific in casualties.

We took a trench, I hear; an' the Jocks in front of us had thirty casualties, and the Guards on our left 'ad some more, 'cos I seed 'em comin' back to the ambulance. 'On the 'ole, it's been about the most unpleasantest day I've spent for a spell.

They were a battalion of recent formation, stout-hearted fellows all, but new to the refinements of intensive trench warfare. When they took over the sector, they proceeded to leave undone various vital things which the Hairy Jocks had always made a point of doing, and to do various unnecessary things which the Hairy Jocks had never done.

After the fight Jimmy Jocks was most condescending to me, and he said the grooms had boasted to the kennel-men that I was a son of Regent Royal, and that when the kennel-men asked who was my mother they had had to tell them that too. Perhaps that was the way of it, but, however, the scandal got out, and every one of the quality-dogs knew that I was a street-dog and the son of a black-and-tan.

Them that couldn't sleep wouldn't let no others sleep, and all the electric lights burned in the roof, and in my eyes. I could hear Jimmy Jocks snoring peaceful, but I could only doze by jerks, and when I dozed I dreamed horrible. All the dogs in the hall seemed coming at me for daring to intrude, with their jaws red and open, and their eyes blazing like the lights in the roof.

In 'e stretch I tries to come th'oo on inside, an' two of 'em Irish jocks pulls oveh to 'e rail and puts us in a pocket. 'Niggeh, they say to me, 'take 'at oat hound home 'e long way; you sutny neveh git him th'oo! They was right, boss! 'Lijah, he come fourth, sewed up like a eagle in a cage!" "H'm-m. And the judges didn't pay any attention when you claimed a foul?"