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Updated: August 15, 2024

All I wish is the secret certainty I cannot be robbed of you, that no cruel machinations may again work our separation, that you are mine, unalterably mine, beyond the power of caprice or ill fortune." Cecilia made no answer; tortured with irresolution, she knew not upon what to determine.

His face, which had been contained, impassive, now betrayed in the slightest degree an expression of irresolution. Her quick look caught it, became more whimsical; he seemed actually, for an instant, asking himself if he should come. She laughed ever so slightly; the experience was novel; who before had ever weighed the pros and cons when extended this privilege?

He, therefore, walked on, but soon returned. All irresolution, all hesitation, had disappeared, and the only point on which he still questioned himself bore upon the state in which he found himself at this moment. He felt himself firm, and his pulse, he was certain, beat regularly.

The deputies either protested together with the Catholics, or dared not show themselves; the ministers were silent. Finally, the army took its departure from Toulon. It was time that it should; and this appeared to be well understood. There was great irresolution in coming to a decision. It was no less promptly carried into effect.

During the luncheon which followed, the envoys were still further impressed by his imperturbable confidence and trenchant phrases; as when he told them that the campaign was the exact counterpart of what he had planned in 1794; or described a council of war as a convenient device for covering cowardice or irresolution in the commander; or asserted that nothing could now stop him before the walls of Mantua.

Dewey, I noticed an air of irresolution about the servant. 'Mrs. Dewey is not well, she said, 'and I hardly think can see company to-day. "'She is not ill, I hope? said I. "'No, ma'am; not ill exactly, but and she hesitated and looked embarrassed. "'She will see me, I spoke confidently. 'Take her my name, and I will wait here in the parlor.

This is the speech of it on the lips of the actor who comes in to interpret to us the thinker's inaction, the thinker's irresolution, for 'it is conscience that makes cowards of us all. Here is a man who is resolute enough. His will is not 'puzzled. His thoughts, his scruples will not divide and destroy his purpose. 'What would you undertake to do? 'To cut his throat i' the church.

It would probably have been done, but for the king's irresolution. He would neither speak nor stir about it. Monsieur Campan, one of the most trusty of the queen's attendants, came in, and said, in a low voice, that the Count d'Inisdal had called to say that everything was planned for an escape.

Sigurd!" shouted Gueldmar, his strong voice tremulous with anguish. "Come back! come back to Thelma!" At the sound of that beloved name, the unhappy creature seemed to hesitate, and, profiting by that instant of irresolution, Errington and Lorimer rushed forward Too late!

The next moment he put down the helm and ran out. Meantime Balder, coloring from shame, had stepped back from his dangerous position; and the peril was past. But the paltering irresolution which he had at all points displayed urged him to redeem himself, else was he lower than a criminal. He went towards Gnulemah, knelt down, caught her dress, he knew not what he did!

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