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A fortnight later a bank manager was stabbed to death with a swordstick in that very part of the Bois. His assassin was the son of a charwoman formerly working at the bank, who had been dismissed from her job by the manager on account of chronic intemperance. His name was Henri Leturc." From that moment Blenkinthrope was tacitly accepted as the Munchausen of the party.

You have to restore the constitution to its normal state to renew the tissues which intemperance has destroyed in a word, to eliminate the poison and then the craving for drink will cease, and your husband may begin life again, like Naaman after his seventh dip in Jordan. At Mr. Wendover's age, such a habit ought not to be fatal.

"If master will examine it, he will see that I have not deserved great merit." "Why, Conseil?" "Because this bird is as drunk as a quail." "Drunk!" "Yes, sir; drunk with the nutmegs that it devoured under the nutmeg-tree, under which I found it. See, friend Ned, see the monstrous effects of intemperance!"

So, having soothed himself by his own intemperance, he got up, found his pipe and a foolish novel he made a point of reading once a year it would hardly do to tell what it was, lest the reader of this true story fail to sympathize with his literary views and so with all his views and sat down to await his guests in a serviceable state of good humor.

There is the exaggerated care for physical strength and completeness amongst the young; there is the intemperance in eating and drinking, which is the curse and the shame of England. There is the provision for the flesh, the absorbing care for the procuring of material comforts, which drowns the spirit in miserable anxieties, and makes men bond-slaves.

This somewhat personal allusion, not only to the lady’s habits of intemperance, but also to the state of her wardrobe, rouses her utmost ire, and she accordingly complies with the urgent request of the bystanders to ‘pitch in,’ with considerable alacrity.

"They were a rude and barbarous nation, proverbially addicted to piracy and intemperance." "My goodness gracious!" Miss Stapylton observed, and now, for the first time, he saw the teeth that were like grains of rice upon a pink rose petal. Also, he saw dimples. "And does one mean all that by a viking?"

Envy, anger and avarice reign among some; modesty is banished among others; these abandon themselves to intemperance and sloth, and the pride of these rises to insolence. It is all over; I will dwell no longer among the seven deadly sins." I must take my courage with both hands to continue to unfold before you the events however simple of this simple tale.

"I have shown the intemperance of a boy, and intemperance of a quality that little becomes my years. Thou art the best judge of the circumstances in which we are placed, and thou alone shalt lead us." Pierre accepted the apology with a manly but respectful reverence, continuing always to ascend with unremitted industry. Ten gloomy and anxious minutes succeeded.

With these habits amongst our countrymen, exemplified daily in the articles of widest use, it is evident that the sufferer from intemperance has a harder quarantine, in this island, to support during the effort of restoration, than he could have anywhere else in Christendom.