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Updated: August 27, 2024

"L-l-l-lets puncture h-h-h-is t-t-t-t-ti " sputtered Will Slade. "What's that about his necktie?" asked Sam with a grin. "W-w-w-who s-s-s-said n-n-neck t-t-ti-?" "I thought you were trying to, and I wanted to help you out," replied Sam. "I-I-I-I ni-m-m-meant his autototototo " "Toot-toot!" sung out Fred. "All aboard! Where does your train stop, Will?"

Inchbald's saying that she had never eaten one. Questions and remonstrances, exclamations of astonishment, and earnest advice to enlarge her experience in that respect, assailed her from the whole green-room, when she finally delivered herself thus: "Oh no, indeed! I-I-I-I never, never could! What! e-e-e-eat the eyes and t-t-t-the nose, the teeth a-a-a-and the toes, the a-a-a-all of a creature!"

At this apparition, at this awful thought for never in the history of man had Nora, the head waitress, been known to smile the heart of Sam stopped forthwith in his bosom. "I-I-I-I b-b-beg your I-I d-didn't know you was there," he stammered in abject perturbation. Nora sniffed. "I should think you might of knowed it," said she.

They faced each other in mutual surprise. Each held a sealed letter in hand and each was in haste. The lady spoke first: "Why, Monty! Is your grandmother trusting you to take care of her business matters already? That's fine." "N-n-no, Aunt Eu-Eu-Eunice. I-I-I-I " The afflicted lad had never stammered worse nor seemed so uncomfortable.

However, the silence was not to last. Katharine recovered from her surprise, and demanded, indignantly: "Why do you say 'I-I-I-I'? Are you mocking me? because if you are, I consider that more ungentlemanly than to make eyes." "No, Kate, Montgomery is unfortunate. He stutters. You should apologize.

It was quite different from the warm jungle where he could sleep out of doors with only his own fur for a bedquilt. "I guess we'll have to move the monkeys down below, if it gets much colder," said the animal man to the sailor. "They'll freeze up here." "Free-e-e-e-eze! I-I-I-I I g-g-g-g-guess we will!" chattered Mappo, and he shivered so that he stuttered when he talked.

At the first reading of one of her pieces, a certain young lady, with rather a lean, lanky figure, being proposed to her for the part of the heroine, she indignantly exclaimed, "No, no, no; I-I-I-I won't have that s-s-s-stick of a girl! D-d-d-do give me a-a-a girl with bumps!" Coming off the stage one evening, she was about to sit down by Mrs.

"Get out of here, you scoundrel!" exclaimed the athletic teacher, making a rush for Will. "D-d-don't h-h-h-hurt me!" pleaded the bold burglar. "I-I-I-I we " As Mr. Hall grabbed him the black mask came off and the instructor, seeing the lad's face cried out: "It's Will Slade!" He was about to send the burglar flying after his companion, but this discovery stopped him.

And he says to me, he says, Josiah, he says, 'I-I-I-I " "Ki yi!" broke in Thoph Baker, from the shadow of the rear seat. Josiah turned to berate Thoph, who, being in disgrace because of his defense of Ellery, was reckless, and the communication from the dead leader of the Come-Outers was lost in the squabble which followed.

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