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Updated: August 10, 2024

Cyrus immediately sent for Hystaspes, the father of Darius; when he came to his tent, he commanded him to go back to Persia, and keep a strict watch over the conduct of his son until he himself should return.

"In the Libyan desert I have killed many a lion." "Then come, follow me." In the thought of the chase the king seemed to have thrown off all his weakness and roused himself to action; he was just leaving the hall, when Hystaspes once more threw himself at his feet, crying with up-raised hands: "Is my son is your brother, to die innocent?

He then threw himself down on his divan again, as if these words had quite exhausted his powerful frame, and did not see that Hystaspes had entered, for his sullen gaze was fixed on the motes playing in the sunbeams that glanced through the window. Hystaspes did not dare to address him; but he stationed himself in the window so as to break the stream of motes and thus draw attention to himself.

As, however, there were several other Persian monarchs called Darius, some of whom were nearly as great as this the first of the name, the usage was gradually established of calling him Darius Hystaspes; and thus the name of the father has become familiar to all mankind, simply as a consequence and pendant to the celebrity of the son. After sending off Hystaspes, Cyrus went on.

At the head rode a grey-headed old man; his robes were brown, and rent, in token of mourning, the mane and tail of his horse had been shorn off and the creature colored blue. It was Hystaspes, coming to entreat mercy for his son.

"Auramazda be praised that you are there!" cried the latter in Persian to the young Lydian; "but who is that with you?" "Darius, the son of Hystaspes, one of the Achaemenidae; and my friend." The stranger bowed low and answered, "It is well, I feared an Egyptian had accompanied you." "No, we are alone and willing to hear you; but be brief. Who are you and what do you want?" "My name is Bubares.

We will wait until wrong has been done us, and then go to victory or death, conscious that we have right on our side." The old man was interrupted by a low murmur of applause, drowned however quickly by cries of "Hystaspes is right! let us look for an enemy!" It was now the turn of the envoy Prexaspes to speak, and he answered laughing: "Let us follow the advice of both these noble old men.

There were kingdoms up there in the northwest perhaps no further east than Afghanistan and Baluchistan which had formed part of the empire of Darius Hystaspes, and sent contingents to fight under Xerxes in Greece; and these now Alexander claimed as Darius Codomannus's successor.

Bartja sat at the king's right hand, and after him Croesus, Hystaspes, Gobryas, Araspes, and others of the Achaemenidae, according to their rank and age. Of the concubines, the greater number sat at the foot of the table; some stood opposite to Cambyses, and enlivened the banquet by songs and music.

"But I swear to you . . ." "Do you wish to turn a thoughtless act into a crime by adding the guilt of perjury? The whip-bearers are coming, fly!" "I shall remain here, and abide by my oath." "You are infatuated! It is not an hour ago since I myself, Hystaspes, and others of the Achaemenidae saw you in the hanging-gardens . . ."

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