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Yes, they were the very same features that I had seen, first at Naukratis and then in Theodorus' workshop, they were..." "Marvellous!" interrupted Hystaspes. "Perhaps a little too much so to be credible," added the king. "Take care, Hellene! remember my arm reaches far. I shall have the truth of your story put to the proof."

At the right hand of the throne stood Hystaspes, Darius's grey-haired father, Gobryas, his future father-in-law, the aged Intaphernes, the grandfather of that Phaedime whose place in the king's favor had been given to Nitetis, Oropastes the high-priest, Croesus, and behind them Boges, the chief of the eunuchs.

Its construction was continued by Darius the Great, son of Hystaspes, and probably completed by King Ptolemy II. Strabo saw it used for shipping; but the weakness of its slope between its starting point, near Bubastis, and the Red Sea left it navigable only a few months out of the year.

So this shows what seemingly wonderful things may be brought about by a little preparation." "It doth," said the jockey; "what was the chap's name?" "His name his name Darius Hystaspes." "And the groom's?" "I don't know." "And he made a good king?" "First-rate."

Hystaspes gazed on his son in astonishment and doubt at hearing these words, and Cambyses turned a scrutinizing eye first on the one and then on the other party of these strange witnesses, who wished so much, and yet found it so impossible, to believe one another, himself unable to come to a decision.

Life, death, Hellas, Hermione, all flashed before his eyes as he sat numbed, but Sicinnus saved them both. “The password to-night? You know it,” he demanded in quick whisper. “ ‘Hystaspes,’ ” muttered Glaucon, still wool-gathering. “Who are you?

Had Phanes been murdered in Egypt, this hour might have seen our sons executed." And as he said this he embraced Hystaspes; both shared one feeling; their sons had been as dead and were now alive.

I therefore command thee to cause the ashes of Rhodopis, whom we have always esteemed as the greatest and rarest among women, to be buried in the greatest and rarest of all monuments, namely, in one of the Pyramids. The costly urn, which thou wilt receive herewith, is sent by Sappho to preserve the ashes of the deceased." Given in the new imperial palace at Persepolis. DARIUS, son of Hystaspes.

But no one shall dare to accuse Darius of weakness or idleness. If I can't rule the world, at least I will be my own master." And as he said these words, the handsome youth drew himself up, and sat erect in his saddle. His companion gazed in wonder at him. "Really, you son of Hystaspes," he said, "I believe you must be meant for something great.

The aged Hystaspes, father of Darius, governor of Persia proper and cousin to the king; Pharnaspes, Cambyses' grandfather on the mother's side; Otanes, his uncle and father-in-law.