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His uncle, who derided and castigated his Dabney House career, had said emphatically that he would consider it most disrespectful if his solitary nephew absented himself from the annual greeting of friends. The nephew, since his home-coming, had grown very fond of the old gentleman. Yet he knew quite well that he wasn't giving up this evening solely to please his uncle.

"Give me to-morrow five hundred dollars, and keep the remainder until I come, or until you hear from me. Please say that I have gone on a journey to fulfil a pledge made years ago; and try not to show the Sisters that you have no confidence in me. That would rob my home-coming of half its pleasure.

His landed estates he had for the most part devised to the holy Church, and the remainder in equal halves to Herdegen and to me. Three thousand gulden, which he had lent to the Convent of Vierzehnheiligen, and of which he might at any time require the repayment, he had set apart to ransom Herdegen and pay for his home-coming.

All that week she scrubbed and regulated, and took a thousand capable steps as briskly as those who work for the home-coming of those they love. The neighbors dropped in, one after another, to ask where she was going to spend Thanksgiving. Some of them said, "Won't you pass the day with us?" but Lucy Ann replied blithely: "Oh, John's invited me there!"

She had prayed for this home-coming and had set her heart on the home-building which was sure to follow, and now it seemed farther off than ever.

And this was my uncle's will: When he had heard from Ann that my lord Cardinal was minded to hasten his home-coming and give him extreme unction, and had likewise had tidings that that high Prelate took great joy in his liberty of dealing with the Papal treasury for alms, he had bidden to him, that very evening, Doctor Holzschuher, his notary, and certain sworn witnesses, and had in all due form cancelled his former will, and in a fine new one had devised his estate as follows: Ursula Tetzel was to have the five thousand gulden which he had promised her when he had unwittingly killed young Tetzel.

Had the Spaniards matured their plans, and pushed the attack home, it is probable that we should have lost our West Indian possessions. Authorities. A. O. Exquemeling: "Bucaniers of America," eds. 1684-5 and 1699. Cal. State Papers: "West Indies." The Gulf of Maracaibo Morgan's escape from the Spaniards It was a melancholy home-coming.

I stood entranced with the old familiar scenes which were now becoming more and more visible; in fact, I cannot tell what feelings took possession of me. I have often since felt that the three years' separation from home and loved ones were compensated by the joy of home-coming. Yes, there was Maker Tower the last object I beheld when leaving Plymouth in the 'Himalaya' three years before.

"A dismal home-coming for you, my love," remarked Lester, as the coachman closed the door on them and mounted to his perch again. "Oh, no!" returned Elsie brightly, "the rain is needed, and we are well sheltered from it. Yet I fear it maybe dismal to Evelyn; but, my dear child, try to keep up your spirits; it does not always rain in this part of the country."

The home-coming of the heir of Maxfield created a welcome flutter of excitement among the desolate occupants of the manor-house and their neighbours. But the flutter in their hearts was nothing compared with that in the heart of the heir himself as he walked across the park on the day after his return to call at the Vicarage and invite Rosalind to accompany him in a ride.