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How right is Signora Bertolini, who exclaimed to me the other day: 'Ho, Mr. Beebe, if you knew what I suffer over the children's edjucaishion. HI won't 'ave my little Victorier taught by a hignorant Italian what can't explain nothink!" Miss Alan did not follow, but gathered that she was being mocked in an agreeable way. Her sister was a little disappointed in Mr.

Well, p’raps some of ’em ain’t,” he remarked, “but you can’t pick out your policemen, that’s where it is.” “Do the police never interfere with you here?” I asked. “They used to it; and I’ve had to beg back my traps more than once from the borough of the Police Correctionell, as they call it; but then that was ’cause I was hignorant of the law.

"'Hofficer, said he, 'I ax your pardon if I offended you, I thought you was a pokin' fun at me, for I am nothing but a poor hignorant farmer, from the country, and these townspeople are always making game of us. I'll tell you all about that are moose and how I killed him.

"They're mad," said Logan, who, with a group of the men, watched the motions of their would-be visitors. "No," observed Joe Dumsby; "they are brave, but hignorant." "Faix, they won't be ignorant long!" cried Ned O'Connor, as the little boat approached the rock, propelled by two active young rowers in Guernsey shirts, white trousers, and straw hats.

So slope, if you please, for I want to sneeze, and if I do, it will blow your cap over the market-house, and you'll be lucky if your head don't go along with it." "'Come away, said I, 'Mac, that fellow has no more manners than a heathen. "'He's an hignorant beast, said he, 'he is beneath notice. "The man eard that, and called after him, 'Hofficer, hofficer, said he.

"Would you believe it, Sir, he didn't like that word 'my man, partikelarly coming from a soldier, for they are so hignorant here they affect to look down upon soldiers, and call 'em 'thirteen pences. "'Mean, said he, 'it means that, a-pointin' to the carcass. 'Do you want to buy it? "'Hem! said Mac. 'Well now, my good fellow

'Well, that is a drawing from Gainsborough's celebrated picture of Medora a-washing of her feet.... But the perlice wouldn't 'ave it any more than my original, 'e said it was worse than the bathers at Margaret, and when I told the hignorant brute wot it was, 'e said he wanted no hargument, that 'e wouldn't 'ave it.

The hideous yell that Poopy here set up seemed to give the lie direct to the skeptical seaman; but he went on deliberately, though with a glazed eye and a deathlike pallor on his face "No; there ain't no ghosts, never wos, an' never will be. All ghosts is sciencrific dolusions, nothing more; and it's only the hignorant an' supercilious as b'lieves in 'em.

'No offence, master, we're all mortal, we is all weak, and in misfortune we goes to it. It was them boys that drove me to it. 'How was that? 'They was always round my show; no getting rid of them, and their remarks created a disturbance; the perlice said he wouldn't 'ave it, and when the perlice won't 'ave it, what's a poor man to do? They are that hignorant.

"They're mad," said Logan, who, with a group of the men, watched the motions of their would-be visitors. "No," observed Joe Dumsby; "they are brave, but hignorant." "Faix, they won't be ignorant long!" cried Ned O'Connor, as the little boat approached the rock, propelled by two active young rowers in Guernsey shirts, white trousers, and straw hats.