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"And who, think you, is to provide them?" "Who but your grace, whose letter it is to be?" "Gramercy! what, you writers, find you not the words? What avails your art without the words? I doubt you are an impostor, Gerardo." "Nay, Signora, I am none. I might make shift to put your highness's speech into grammar, as well as writing. But I cannot interpret your silence.

Trust a faithful servant, one whose life-blood is at your Grand Ducal Highness's disposal, and tell her if it is not then true that the Herr Geheimrath has decoyed you from your home and your Grossherzoglicher Herr Papa?" "Will you " Again the pouncing sponge. "My heart bleeds indeed it bleeds to think of the Herr Papa's sufferings, his fears, his anxieties.

"Do you not see that De Guiche is one of the party?" "Yes, I see. But what does that prove?" "That Madame has two admirers instead of one." "Thou poison the simplest thing!" "I poison nothing. Ah! your royal highness's mind is perverted. The honors of the kingdom of France are being paid to your wife and you are not satisfied."

"The son of Abdulla Mohammed, for instance," and he loosened his grip a little upon Ahmed's throat, but held him still with a straight arm. Ahmed did not struggle. He whispered in reply: "I am not of your Highness's enemies. Long ago I gave your Highness a sign of friendship when I prayed you to pass by the Delhi Gate of Lahore."

'With your Highness's permission, he said, 'and laying at his feet my most submiss apologies, I will now hasten to attend his further orders in the Chancery. 'Herr Cancellarius, do you see this chair? said Otto. 'There is where you shall attend my further orders. O, now, no more! he cried, with a gesture, as the old man opened his lips.

Meryon she waxed quite enthusiastic over his Highness's personal attractions, the excellent cut of his coat, and the handiness with which he performed small services.

Half an hour later a chamberlain came to bring me her highness's compliments, and to inform me that the ball would be a masked one, and that I could appear in domino. "You can easily get one from the Jews," he added.

I wish I had a voice in your highness's council, and I know what I should do." "What, Lady Mountjoy?" "Entreat him to swear fealty, and become one of us; and " "And a bridegroom for your ladyship?" suggested the queen, with a curling lip. "I think if Sir Norman Kingsley knew Lady Mountjoy as well as I do, he would even prefer the block to such a fate!"

Have I your Highness's permission to leave your presence, and to make arrangements for my departure from The Hague?" Claverhouse spoke with an exaggerated accent of respect, but the words were so stinging that William's eyes, for an instant only, flashed fire, and the aide-de-camp in the room made a step forward as if to arrest the Scots officer.

The prince and princess, indeed, I remember came once down by water upon the occasion of her Royal Highness's being great with child, and near her time so near that she was delivered within two or three days after. But this passage being in the royal barges, with strength of oars, and the day exceeding fine, the passage, I say, was made very pleasant, and still the more so for being short.