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The soldiers liked the business; for every man so employed received his ten stivers a day additional wages, punctually paid, and felt moreover that every stioke was bringing the work nearer to its conclusion. The Spaniards no longer railed at Maurice as a hedger and ditcher.

"I shouldn't think sensible risks would be very much fun." Hedger did not answer, for just then every one began to shove the other way and shout, "Look out. There she goes!" and a band of six pieces commenced playing furiously.

Lanterns may be moving in the cowyards and stables; but elsewhere all is quiet the hedger and ditcher cannot see to strike his blow, the ploughs have ceased to move for some time, the labourer's workshop the field is not lighted by gas as the rooms of cities. The shortness of the winter day is one of the primary reasons why, in accordance with ancient custom, wages are lowered at that time.

But the moment he put his arms about her they began to talk, both at once, as people do in an opera. The instant avowal brought out a flood of trivial admissions. Hedger confessed his crime, was reproached and forgiven, and now Eden knew what it was in his look that she had found so disturbing of late.

"And yet I'd bet a thousand they're phony," burst from Kendric. Then he caught himself up short. Suppose they were or were not? A woman was offering to play him and he was holding back; he was making excuses, the second already; in his own ears his words, sensible though they were, began to ring like the petty talk of a hedger. "Turn out the die, Señora," he said abruptly.

The first stars and the first lights were growing silver against the gradual darkening, when Hedger paid his driver and went into the house, which, thank God, was still there! On the hall table lay his letter of yesterday, unopened. He went upstairs with every sort of fear and every sort of hope clutching at his heart; it was as if tigers were tearing him.

Crowds and balloons were all very well, she reflected, but woman's chief adventure is man. With a mind over active and a sense of life over strong, she wanted to walk across the roofs in the starlight, to sail over the sea and face at once a world of which she had never been afraid. Hedger must be asleep; his dog had stopped sniffing under the double doors.

Andrew Hedger, but there was no doing so. 'I'll show ye on to The Crossways House, the latter said, implying that he had already earned something by showing him The Crossways post. 'Hog's my feed, said Andrew Hedger. The gastric springs of eloquence moved him to discourse, and he unburdened himself between succulent pauses. 'They've killed him early. He 's fat; and he might ha' been fatter.

How touching is this debasement of words in the course of time; it puts me in mind of the decay of old houses and names. I have known a Mortimer who was a hedger and ditcher, a Berners who was born in a workhouse, and a descendant of the De Burghs, who bore the falcon, mending old kettles, and making horse and pony shoes in a dingle."

"Nol Hedger says he marked a prime seaman go in there not two hours ago," answered another. It at once occurred to Dick that they were speaking of Ralph Michelmore. "Poor fellow! It's where the young girl lives he's going to marry. If they get hold of him they'll not mind her tears and prayers, but will carry him off, like the rest of us, to serve the king.