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He read of Hattie's fading away; of her love for him; and the tender messages she sent, perhaps the last she would ever send to him. And he remembered his wonderful vision of her that evening. And tears came to cool and soften his heart. And so we quit him for the night, leaving him alone with his letters, his grief, and his remorse.

She rose hastily and, getting her skirts together, fled from the room, followed more leisurely by the crestfallen Griggs. Hattie's laugh and "Thank you, fellows," followed her out. Matters were less easy for Joe's mother and sister than they were for him. A week or more after this, Kitty found him and told him that Minty's story had reached their employers and that they were out of work.

And this was the report that was sent down by every lookout who went aloft during the next four days; and what a time of excitement and suspense that was for Marcy Gray and all the rest of the Hattie's crew.

At intervals she took Hattie's temperature, placing the clinical thermometer in the armpit. Toward nine in the evening, while she was doing this for the third time within the hour, one of the house servants came to the room to inform her that she was wanted on the telephone. Lloyd hesitated, unwilling to leave Hattie for an instant.

Miss Lady found refuge from Hattie's caustic comments in Bertie's immediate devotion. He had won her heart on the night of her arrival, when he had gone to sleep in her lap with a last injunction, that she "must stay with them always, until God sent for her."

Some are born to prose and some to higher things. She applied herself to a plain statement in Hattie's album: Dear Hattie: I am a Mugwump and your true friend. Emily Louise Maclauren. Then she put the book on Hattie's desk as the bell rang. With the class came a visible and audible excitement. Mr. With visual signalling and labial dumb show, Emily Louise implored enlightenment.

He was devoted to his children, and all I could think of as likely to bring such a look upon his face was disaster to one of them, and I cried, as I drew a chair to him: "What is it? Oh, what has happened to them?" He sank down he wiped his brow he looked almost stupidly at me; then, very faintly, he said: "You haven't heard anything?" Like a flash Hattie's eyes and mine met.

He leaned closer, and above his tall, narrow collar dull red flowed beneath the sallow, and his long, white teeth and slick-brushed hair shone in the arc-light. "Eh, Queenie?" "I gotta go now, Charley. Hattie's waiting home for me." She attempted to pass him and to slip into the outgoing stream of the store, but with a hesitation that belied her. "I I gotta go, Charley."

The concert had long been over and the room was less crowded when Thomas sauntered back to the pair. "Well, good-night," he said. "Guess you can find your way home, Mr. Hamilton;" and he gave Joe a long wink. "Goo'-night," said Joe, woozily, "I be a' ri'. Goo'-night." "Make it another 'skey," was Hattie's farewell remark. It was late the next morning when Joe got home.

They had not been many minutes afloat before the guitar-case was opened, and the girls' voices Laura's soprano and Hattie's contralto rang melodiously over the waves, mingled with feeble attempt at bass accompaniment from their gorgeous guardians.