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Updated: July 31, 2024

"Why," said he, "when I was a considerable of a grown up saplin of a boy to Slickville, I used to be a gunnin' for everlastinly amost in our hickory woods, a shootin' of squirrels with a rifle, and I got amazin' expart at it. I could take the head off of them chatterin' little imps, when I got a fair shot at 'em with a ball, at any reasonable distance, a'most in nine cases out of ten.

"Why," said he, "when I was a considerable of a grown up saplin of a boy to Slickville, I used to be a gunnin' for everlastinly amost in our hickory woods, a shootin' of squirrels with a rifle, and I got amazin' expart at it. I could take the head off of them chatterin' little imps, when I got a fair shot at 'em with a ball, at any reasonable distance, a'most in nine cases out of ten.

I'll teach you to talk that way, you puppy you, said he, of that glorious day; and he fetched me a wipe that I do believe if I had'nt a dodged, would have spoiled my gunnin for that hitch; so I gave him a wide birth arter that all day. Well, the next time I missed, says I, she hung fire so everlastinly, its no wonder and the next miss, says I, the powder is no good, I vow.

"Well, it's just this: they do say yo're tryin' to fasten a criminal charge of bribery on me. You and I have been friends and still are, I hope but if yo're goin' gunnin' foh me, I want to know it." His face was slightly flushed, but his fine dark eyes looked hopefully to his friend for denial. Keith was genuinely distressed.

Darius had carted off his own grub and what there was on hand was mine, left over from the gunnin' season a hunk of salt pork in the pickle tub, some corn meal in a tin pail, some musty white flour in another pail, a little coffee, a little sugar and salt, and a can of condensed milk. I took these things out of the locker they was in, looked 'em over, put 'em back again and sprung the padlock.

When you have to turn back, instead o' comin' back here, you kin take the trail that goes round the woods, and that'll bring ye out into the stage road ag'in near the post-office at the Green Springs crossin' and the new hotel. That'll be war ye'll turn up, I reckon," he added, reflectively. "Fellers that come yer gunnin' and fishin' gin'rally do," he concluded, with a half-inquisitive air.

Next time you go out cat shootin' you better be sure you're gunnin' for the right one. Come on, Mary-'Gusta." Con Bacheldor sprang to his feet. "Pop," he shouted, "be you goin' to let 'em go this way? And that cat stealin' our chickens right along. Ain't you goin' to tell 'em you'll kill the critter next time he comes on our land?" Abner was silent.

"Well, the next time my friend, the ex-consul, and I went out gunnin', I told him of the Englishman's 'orders. He was mad. 'What are you goin' to do about it? he asks. 'Don't know yet, says I, 'we'll see. By and by we come in sight of one of them long-legged cranes, big birds you know, standin' fishin' at the edge of some reeds. I up with my gun and shot it.

Now, make allowances for these things in gunnin', and "aim high," for your life, always. And, Sam, sais he, 'I've seed a great deal of the world, all military men do.

He'll take' the oath of allegiance like it was a dram of old apple-jack, and tears'll come into his eyes at the sight o' the Old Flag, which he and his'n has always loved. He'll go ahead plowin' and grubbin' sprouts and tendin' his cattle till the fit comes on him agin to go gunnin' for bluecoats, and off he is, to go through the whole performance agin.

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