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But in happier times, don't you think, Wilhelm, he would have remained just what his father was, a successful epicier, very clean, very accurate, very honest. And on holidays he would have gone out with Madame Leblanc and her knitting in a punt with a jar of something gentle and have sat under a large reasonable green-lined umbrella and fished very neatly and successfully for gudgeon....

Finch opened the door, and, with a sniff, said, "The gentleman's come back, and he wants to know can he see Miss Powell?" The captain fell into another fit of laughter, while Mrs. Finch stared at him in astonishment. "Tell him to come up," he said, at last, "you gaping old gudgeon, what you standing staring there for? Send Mr. Wynne up. Tell him the lady is here, and Ay want to see him."

And I was fortunate in seeing a kingfisher dart upon the water, hover for an instant like a hawk-moth over honeysuckle, and, having caught a small gudgeon, fly away with it in its beak.

At the margin of the lake stood a solitary angler who now, his evening's task done, was employed in leisurely disjointing his rod and whistling with much sweetness an air from one of Izaak Walton's songs. Mainwaring reached the angler and laid his hand on his shoulder. "What sport, Ardworth?" "A few large roach with the fly, and one pike with a gudgeon, a noble fellow! Look at him!

I was a gudgeon and they were sharks; and more sharks would soon have been about me, for I heard them, as they left the room, call "boots" and "ostler," of course to assist in lightening my purse.

Gordon wheeled back to his desk. He did not even say good-bye to Nancy as Scorch held the door open for her to pass out. "Say! ain't Old Gudgeon a good one?" murmured the red-headed boy, as he followed Nancy to the gate. She did not answer. That lump had come back into her throat and she was industriously swallowing it.

But she loved much, and Christ himself forgave the woman ‘who loved much.’ ” “It was not for such love Christ forgave her,” broke impatiently from the gentle Father Iosif. “Yes, it was for such, monks, it was! You save your souls here, eating cabbage, and think you are the righteous. You eat a gudgeon a day, and you think you bribe God with gudgeon.”

When I was a child this was one of my favourite occupations in the summertime on the banks of the Thames, and there was one question which often puzzled me greatly, as I watched the minnows and gudgeon gliding along through the water. Why should fishes live in something and be often buffeted about by waves and currents, while I and others lived on the top of the earth and not in anything?

Why, which like you best? to pull a dead strain on a miserable gudgeon, which you draw ashore by main force, as the fellows here tow in their fishing-boats or a lively salmon, that makes your rod crack, and your line whistle plays you ten thousand mischievous pranks wearies your heart out with hopes and fears and is only laid panting on the bank, after you have shown the most unmatchable display of skill, patience, and dexterity?

The cylinder they have cast for Chacewater is still worse, for it will hardly do at all. The Soho people have sent here Chacewater pipe instead of Wheal Union, and the gudgeon pipe has not arrived with the nozzles. These repeated disappointments will ruin our credit in the country, and I cannot stay here to bear the shame of such failures of promise.