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Rich specimens were brought in and yielded enough when brayed in a mortar to keep him in a grubstake, but it takes capital to develop a hard rock mine and capital was wary. So Nicholas toiled on year after year, keeping up his assessments and living on hopes until at last he passed over the Great Divide to a Better Diggings. Others tried it.

We had to build a table for 'em to eat off, and when they went out rustlin' for themselves they had to confine themselves to sidehills or flyin' insects. Their breasts was all right, though "And think of them drumsticks for the boardinghouse trade!" says Tusky. So far things wasn't so bad. We had a good grubstake.

"You're a crook and you know it; and I don't want that grubstake contract, nohow. And there's a feller in town that I know for a certainty will give five hundred thousand dollars, cash." "Oh, no!" protested Eells, but his glance was uneasy and he smiled when Wilhelmina spoke up. "Well, I do!" she said. "I want that grubstake contract cancelled. But forty thousand dollars "

S'pose no Tom stop there, you nanitch around till you find him." "All right," said Simon. "Me nanitch, me find Tom." He considered a moment. "Halo grub stop me?" "I'll tell them to grubstake you here," Casey reassured him. "I'll pay you, too, of course." "You my tillikum," said Simon, with great dignity. "Tom my tillikum. Good! Me like you. How much you pay?"

If one gets his money back here it is all he can expect. How much would be needed to help these settlers hold on a little grubstake, some future operating money? I like this fallowing idea." He talked about second mortgages, collateral on personal property, appointment of local agents, etc. He did not want the source of this borrowing power to become known as yet.

Eells offered me forty thousand cash and agreed to release you from that grubstake contract " "You throwed the whole thing away, eh?" He had turned sullen now and petulantly discontented and the fire flashed back into her eyes. "Well, is that all the thanks I get? I thought you wanted that contract!" "I did!" he complained, "but if you'd left me alone I'd've got it away from him for nothing.

"Dusty Rhodes!" bellowed Wunpost and then he paused. "Go on, let's get this off your chest." "Well, he said," continued Billy, "that Mr. Eells gave you everything and that you lived off his grubstake for two years; so I don't think it was right, when you finally found a mine "

He had inveigled other men to share his hopes and labors, to grubstake him while he drove the tunnel that was to cut the vein. MacRae's father had taken a hand in this. So had Peter Ferrara. But these informal partnerships had always lapsed. Old Bill Munro's prospects had never got beyond the purely prospective stage. The copper was there, ample traces of gold and silver.

"And it might be the devil to pay, if I gave you the goods without a proper order," I followed up. "Some of this stuff's for to-morrow's grubstake," put in the Swede, "and most of the hardware's wanted for a job first crack out of the box in the morning." "Sorry to disoblige you, fellows," I said sincerely, "but your boss should not have run so close to the wind.

"But more than likely it was because that strike was a sure thing, and you was behind it, Annabel. My, yes, you was responsible I ever got to Alaska; let alone stuck it out. Sure as a grubstake, you gave me my start. Now come take a look at this outfit I brought." He held the poke open while she poured the nuggets back. "I like them plain," she said, "but I never saw any made up.