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Thus it was, when this primitive theologian got back to the chief's lodge, that his wisdom had been increased in so far as concerns the efficacy of the white man's fist. So, when he orated then and there in the council, he was wroth against all white men. "Tumble out, you loafers! Tumble out! Grub'll be ready before you get into your footgear!"

Oi'd 'a' gone to hunt ye, ondly Oi know'd phwin th' toime suited ye ye'd come here; so Oi waited. "Set by now er th' grub'll be cowld. They'll be toime fer palaverin' afther." When the dishes had been washed and returned to their shelves the two seated themselves and lighted their pipes. "You say Creed returned to Hilarity and told of having seen me?" asked Bill.

"Come," said Aunt Linda, "we mustn't stan' yer talkin', or de grub'll git cole. Come, frens, sit down, an' eat some ob my pore supper." Aunt Linda sat at the table in such a flutter of excitement that she could hardly eat, but she gazed with intense satisfaction on her guests. Robert sat on her right hand, contrasting Aunt Linda's pleasant situation with the old days in Mrs.

Sackett said grace as usual, standing up and bowing gravely over the long board. "What's the sense of asking the Lord to make us truly thankful for stuff what ain't fit to eat anyway," growled Andrews, when he finished. "You ain't got nothin' to be so blamed thankful for, captain. This grub'll sure make some of the men sick before we're through.

"Oh oh, that's what they are," said the stranger with a delighted laugh. "Won't they wash off?" "Naw. You can't fool me. You knew what they were!" "Well, now, maybe so," observed the man as the girl laughingly turned inside. "Grub'll be ready by time you are," she called back to him. "I'll show you where to put your horse," said the boy as the man looked searchingly up and down the valley.

Gets a fella lookin' greasy and feelin' greasy, but the pay kind of makes up for it. Me first month's wages blowed in for outside decoratin' but I reckon the grub'll hold out for a spell." Then he strode from the house and made his rounds, inspecting the pigs, shooing the chickens to their coop, and finally making a short pilgrimage to where Gentle Annie was grazing.

Wrenn and Morton such interesting facts as: "Trubiggs is a lobster. You don't want to let the bosses bluff you aboard the Merian. They'll try to chase you in where the steers'll gore you. The grub'll be " "What grub do you get?" "Scouse and bread. And water." "What's scouse?" "Beef stew without the beef. Oh, the grub'll be rotten. Trubiggs is a lobster. He wouldn't be nowhere if 't wa'n't for me."

"He's a valuable addition to the party, and I, for one, ain't at all disagreeable to the notion of making him a regular partner " "None of that!" Charles Crayton cut in. "When we get to Dawson we're quit of him that's the agreement. We'd only have to bury him if we let him stay on with us. Besides, there's going to be a famine, and every ounce of grub'll count.