Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Updated: August 15, 2024

It was the name on the thousand-dollar check for the strike sufferers that had come in the day before. They drove up an avenue of little oaks to a formidable palace built of gray stone, so smoothly faced that there was not a crevice in the immense pale façade. Two men in knee-breeches opened the double doors and they went in between golden grilles and rows of tall white lilies.

"Of course not," returned Aunt Viney; "because all proper Spanish young ladies are shut up behind their grilles at night. You don't see THEM traipsing over the plain in the darkness, WITH or WITHOUT cavaliers! Why, Don Rafael would lock one of HIS sisters up in a convent and consider her disgraced forever, if he heard of it." Dick felt his cheeks burning; Cecily slightly paled.

In the interior of the cathedral the nakedness of the columns is partially recompensed by the richness in sculptural design of some sepulchres, as well as by several sixteenth-century grilles. Perhaps the most interesting corner of the interior is the trascoro, or the exterior side of the wall which closes the choir on the west.

For the first time he studied the enclosure and recognized it for what it was a place in which savage and bloody entertainments could be provided for the population of the city and it merely confirmed his opinion of the aliens and all their ways. The temptation to explore the city was strong. He eyed the grilles speculatively. They could be climbed he was sure of that.

Instead of a central flight of steps leading to a main entrance, there were two well-designed flights at each side. Surmounting the whole is a daring, tall, round cupola, its roof supported by engaged columns and the spaces between pierced by classic grilles. The structure is notable throughout for excellence in mass and detail. Peter's Church, South Third and Pine Streets.

Randolph expected to contribute, during the week, about so many hours of talk or of reading. But he would have a few words with Medora before going up to Joe. Medora, among her grilles and lambrequins, was only too willing to talk about young Cope. "A charming fellow in a way," she said judicially. "Frank, but a little too self-assured and self-centered. Exuberant, but possibly a bit cold.

"The girls"? Who were they, and how many? He supposed he could account for one of them, at least; but the others? "You find me alone, after all," was her greeting. "The girls are out walking with each other, or their beaux, or whatever. Come in here." She led him into a spacious room cluttered with lambrequins, stringy portieres, grilles, scroll-work, bric-a-brac....

"Women will run even after the Chinese shadow of a man if they are not shut close behind the grilles." Mrs. Armine laughed outright. "And so you Easterns generally keep them there." "Well, and are we not wise? Are we not much wiser than the Mr. Armeens of Europe?"

Do you care anything for Louis Quinze?" Jane found herself on the threshold of a long and glittering apartment; it was full of the ornate and complicated embellishments of the eighteenth century an exhibition of decorative whip-cracking. Grilles, panels, mirror-frames all glimmered in green and gold, and a row of lustres, each multitudinously candled, hung from the lofty ceiling.

We kept a brisk pace alike where they cheered us and where, in other streets, they scowled and hooted at us, so that I looked out for men with pistols in second-story windows. But, friend or foe, none stopped us till at length we drew rein before the grilles of the Hôtel de Lorraine. They made no demur at admitting us.

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