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Carl swiftly marked the second candlestick where the shallow receptacle in the other had begun and applied the thin, fine edge of a craftsman's saw. When at length the candled branches lay upon the table, the light of the lanterns overhead revealed, as he had hoped, a second paper.

When it was night, he lighted the candled and said to Zubeideh, 'The dervishes have not brought the ten thousand dinars that they promised me: but indeed they are poor men. As they were talking, the dervishes knocked at the door and she said, 'Go down and open to them. So he went down and bringing them up, said to them, 'Have you brought me the ten thousand dinars? 'We have not been able to get aught thereof as yet, answered they, 'but fear nothing: to-morrow, God willing, we will make an alchymic operation for thee.

Eggs thrown out of an incubator will be shrunken and weakened, and some of them may contain dead germs and the remains of chicks that have died after starting to develop. Such eggs may be sold for what they are, but should never be mixed with other eggs or sold as fresh. When carefully candled they should be worth ten or twelve cents a dozen.

Do you care anything for Louis Quinze?" Jane found herself on the threshold of a long and glittering apartment; it was full of the ornate and complicated embellishments of the eighteenth century an exhibition of decorative whip-cracking. Grilles, panels, mirror-frames all glimmered in green and gold, and a row of lustres, each multitudinously candled, hung from the lofty ceiling.

It struck a candelabrum, a giant relic of ancient wood as tall as himself. It toppled and fell with its candled branches in the fire. Where the log broke a flame shot forth, lapping the dark wood with avid tongue. With a crackle the age-old wood began to burn. Carl watched it with a slight smile. It pleased him to watch it burn.

If an ingenious dealer takes a dozen eggs from common candled stock, places them in a blue lined box and labels them "Exquisite Ovarian Deposital," he can sell quite a few of them at a long price, but the game has its limits.

An express messenger running out of St. Louis became interested in the egg trade. He arranged with a few country friends to ship him their eggs. These he candled in his house cellar and began selling them to a limited trade in the wealthy section of the city. At first he delivered the eggs himself. This was in the World's Fair year of 1904.

Quite your old self, she tells me, except for just this this touch of facial paralysis. Not quite so drawn. We must make haste slowly. Wedderburn, you know, believes profoundly in Simon; he pulled his wife through a dangerous confinement. And here's pills and tonics and liniments a whole chemist's shop. Oh, we are getting on swimmingly. Flamelight was flickering in the candled dusk.

While the boy rattled among canned goods and candled eggs to see if they were fit for a four-minute boil, Sandy turned to George. "What did you find in the mine?" he asked. "We found that bum detective nosing around. We've got his number now, all right," the boy went on, "and there's something in the mine that he wants to find and he doesn't know where to look for it.

Thank heaven! thus far no Bines has ever candled an egg and as for driving butter " he stopped, with a shudder of extreme repugnance. "And here's a notice about the excursions of the St. John's Guild. I've been on four already, and I want you to get me back to New York right away for the others.