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Updated: August 11, 2024

It aren't my gime I'm wot you might call a hammer-chewer at it, but when there's summink inside you, wot tears and tears and tears, any gime's worth tryin' that pulls out the claws of it." She did not move even yet.

'I say, old gal, said one of them to Liza, 'come an' have a gime of cricket, will yer? 'Na, Bob, I'm tired. 'Come on! 'Na, I tell you I won't. 'She was on the booze yesterday, an' she ain't got over it, cried another boy. 'I'll swipe yer over the snitch! replied Liza to him, and then on being asked again, said: 'Leave me alone, won't yer?

Beale had re-entered the house; another, in accents as to which Maisie's criticism was still intensely tacit, characterised her appeal as such a "gime," such a "shime," as one had never had to put up with; a third treated with some vigour the question of the enormous sums due belowstairs, in every department, for gratuitous labour and wasted zeal.

I have come to like the place and do most of my writing there, catching snatches of conversation and reminiscence as they float across to me. "I wasn't meanin' to 'urt ole Ginger Nobby nohow, but the muck I throwed took 'im dead on the jor. 'Wot's yer gime? 'e 'ollers at me. 'Wot's my gime? I says back to 'im. 'Nuffin', if ye want ter know! I says. 'I was just shyin' at squidges."

Another remembrance of this period is a dinner with Mr. George Jones, of the ``New York Times, who gave me a full account of the way in which his paper came into possession of the documents revealing the Tammany frauds, and how, despite enormous bribes and bitter threats, the ``Times'' persisted in publishing the papers, and so brought the Tweed r<e'>gime to destruction.

Whatever his private opinions may be, he no doubt feels it his duty to continue in the service of his country. It would certainly be a great pity if, at every change of government in France, every officer who did not agree with the new r<e'>gime should leave the diplomatic service or the military service or the naval service, thus injuring the interests of France perhaps most seriously.

Ortheris his real name by the by is Arthur Jewell hasn't any of these troubles. 'The b y Germans butted into Belgium, he says. 'We've got to 'oof 'em out again. That's all abart it. Leastways it's all I know.... I don't know nothing about Serbia, I don't know nothing about anything, except that the Germans got to stop this sort of gime for Everlasting, Amen....

I runs 'im up an' down the slaughter yard to get 'is circulation up I strokes 'im on the neck, an' tells 'im wot a fine feller 'e is, till 'e's in such good spirits that 'e tikes the killin' as a joke. Just a part of the gime, as it were. Sime with these 'ere pups. They'd like 'aving their tiles bit orf by me." We looked at the puppies doubtfully.

His voice and dialect left no doubt as to the locality they were in. "Wot yer doin' of 'ere this time o' night? 'Ave yer come to rob some o' these yere 'ouses, or wot's yer gime?" Mr. Leigh was a talkative person, and hastened to explain where they were going, and that they could not find their way.

Of what elements shall this constant battery be formed? Mr. Gime recommends the use of the Latimer-Clark elements. Every one knows that the Latimer-Clark element is now the best standard of electromotive force; but let us not forget that this is on condition of its being employed in open circuit.

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