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When Peggy came hurrying home to look after the dinner she groaned self-reproachfully at the sight of Elaine's furrowed brow, and silently moving lips. "It's a perfect shame! You came up here for a rest, and the first thing we do is to set you to work and such hard work." "Two days of it won't hurt me," Elaine returned buoyantly. "And you know, Peggy, I'm ever so glad to help out."

"Wilfrid, my early loved," slowly gasped she, removing her gray hair from her furrowed temples, and gazing on her boy fondly, as he nestled on Ivanhoe's knee "promise me, by St. Waltheof of Templestowe promise me one boon!" "I do," said Ivanhoe, clasping the boy, and thinking it was to that little innocent the promise was intended to apply. "By St. Waltheof?" "By St. Waltheof!"

"Oui," replied the Frenchman, holding out his glass; and Uncle Ben's was that pride which goes with a gift of tongues. He struck a match to light his pipe one of the wooden, sulphur-headed matches supplied by the cafe and the guest at the next table turned in his chair. The match flared up and showed two faces, which he studied keenly. Both faces were alike unwashed and deeply furrowed.

Yet all the time the tears ran down his weather-beaten furrowed cheeks and his snow-white beard, and as he tried to draw up his bent shoulders the medals clinked together on his breast. Wegstetten had but little comfort for the poor old man.

We need only to grow old to perceive that life has a head with many faces. The ugly one of to-day can last no longer than you can keep that deeply furrowed brow. But you need not coerce yourself for my sake, husband. Let it be so. I need merely close my eyes to see how smooth and beautiful it was in youth, and how pleasant it will look when better days say, 'Here we are!"

Close to the house stood a birch-log barn or stables, its sides curiously ridged and furrowed where the trunks were laid on one another. Further away rose a long building of sod, and a great shapeless yellow mound with a domed top towered behind it. It was most unlike a trim English rick, and Agatha wondered what it could be.

The horns of this species, which are furrowed and wrinkled as in the goat kind, are a foot or fifteen inches long, and bend over the back; though they are shorter and more crooked than those of the ibex or steinbuck. It is not unfrequently known by the more familiar name of lerwee.

His figure is before me now enthroned upon a mackerel-barrel a lean old man of great height, but bent with years and twisted into an uncouth shape by seven broken limbs; furrowed, also, and weatherworn, as if every gale for the better part of a century had caught him somewhere on the sea. He looked like a harbinger of tempest a shipmate of the Flying Dutchman.

Then, I saw that his head was furrowed and bald, and that the long iron-gray hair grew only on its sides. But, I saw nothing that in the least explained him. On the contrary, I saw him next moment, once more holding out both his hands to me. "What do you mean?" said I, half suspecting him to be mad. He stopped in his looking at me, and slowly rubbed his right hand over his head.

Yet I was bold enough to hope that there could be some atonement, some thing if my suffering " "There are things, Mr. Law, for which no suffering atones. But why cause suffering longer for us both? You come again and again. Could you not leave me for a time untroubled?" "How can I?" blazed the man, his forehead furrowed up into a frown, the moist beads on his brow proving his own intentness.