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"Take also this purse of gold in token of friendship," continued the jarl, "and remain with us, for I knew thy father." Thus Frithiof and the jarl became good friends, and Frithiof consented to stay for a while in the Orkney Islands; but after a time he ordered out his good ship "Ellide," and set sail for his native land. But fearful things had come to pass since he had left his home!

But the inspector received daily and hourly so many instructions from the ladies, that he ended by being nothing but their mouth-piece. At the age of fifteen Frithiof was confirmed, received a present of a gold watch and was allowed to go out on horseback; he was not permitted, however, to realise his greatest ambition, namely to go shooting.

Frithiof and Ingeborg became firm friends, and as the lad increased in bravery and strength, the girl increased in beauty and loveliness of soul. Hilding, noticing how each day they became fonder of each other, called Frithiof to him and bade him remember that he was only a humble subject and could never hope to wed Ingeborg, the king's only daughter, descended from the great god Odin.

So Frithiof fetched his sword, but when he saw the conquered viking still upon the ground, he could not bring himself to slay so honorable a man. "Thou art too true and brave to die," said Frithiof. "Rise, let us be friends." A splendid hall it was, and a rare company of heroes was there; and all listened eagerly as Frithiof told his story, and wherefore he had come.

The boy would seek treasures from the birds' nests for his fair companion, not even fearing to rob the mountain eagle, so that he might bring the spoil to Ingebjorg. He would also take her far out on the blue sea in his little boat, and Ingebjorg never felt afraid as long as Frithiof was with her.

I hope he will not pass over it, I only want an excuse like that for turning kempery-man knight-errant, as those Norman puppies call it, like Regnar Lodbrog, or Frithiof, or Harold Hardraade; and try what man can do for himself in the world with nothing to help him in heaven and earth, with neither saint nor angel, friend or counsellor, to see to him, save his wits and his good sword.

The kings, her brothers, were away at war, but Frithiof stayed near Ingeborg, and when they returned, promised to free them from the oppression of Sigurd Ring if in return they would promise him the hand of their sister. But the kings had heard of how Frithiof had spoken to Ingeborg in the temple, and although they feared Sigurd they would not grant the request.

Her prow was a dragon's head, a dragon's tail formed her stern, and dragon's wings bore her along swifter than an eagle before the storm. The green-haired stranger was a sea-god, and the dragon-ship "Ellide" was his thank-gift. Thus Frithiof, though only the son of a thane, had treasures that might have been coveted by kings and princes.

These little airy edifices had all the fantastic lightness of the elf-world and all the vaporous freshness of dawn. They recalled to me the poetry of the north, wafting to me a breath from Caledonia or Iceland or Sweden, Frithiof and the Edda, Ossian and the Hebrides.

One blow of his sword, and Ingebjorg was free to be his wife. But as he looked upon the sleeping King, there came a whisper from a better voice, "It is cowardly to strike a sleeping foe." And Frithiof shuddered, for he was too brave a man to commit murder. "Sleep on, old man," he muttered gently to himself. But Ring's sleep was over. He started up.