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Here, I'll pay the taxi charges now and save some time." A moment later Dillon rejoined us, his face perspiring from the closeness of the air in the booth. "Now to that place on Forty-eighth Street, and we're square," ordered Garrick to the driver, mentioning the address. "Quick!" There had been, we could see, no chance for a tip to be given that a raid was about to be pulled off.

"The decision of the court," continued the judge, "is, that your name be struck off the list of Attornies who practice here." In the course of about six weeks afterwards might be read, in all the metropolitan papers, the following announcement: "Died of deep decline in the forty-eighth year of his age, Solomon M'Slime, Esq., Attorney-at-Law.

They were quite an accession to the force of our N'Yaarkers, and helped much to establish the hoodlum reign which was shortly inaugurated over the whole prison. The Forty-Eighth New Yorkers who came in were a set of chaps so odd in every way as to be a source of never-failing interest.

Watts's paraphrase of the one hundred and forty-eighth Psalm exceeds them, both in melody and majesty. For instance, take these lines: "Wide as his vast dominion lies, Let the Creator's name be known; Loud as his thunder shout his praise, And sound it lofty as his throne.

He was now in his forty-eighth year, and in the full vigor of a temperate middle life; but he lived to be the father of the bar for almost the third of a century, and almost to be the father of the town, which in an honorable sense he was; dying in January, 1833, at the age of seventy-eight, and laid away by the hands of descendants among patrimonial graves at Shenstone Green.

On May 8, 1915, the Third Russian Army and the Forty-eighth Division had reunited with Brussilov's main army in the neighborhood of Sanok, twenty miles north of the Lupkow. When the commanders of a retreating army lose their heads the rank and file will inevitably become demoralized and panic-stricken.

Two hours later, about four o'clock in the afternoon of the 13th of February, 1798, Christian Friedrich Swartz breathed his last, in the seventy-second year of his age, and the forty-eighth of his mission service in India. The cries and wailings of the poor resounded all night around the house, and Serfojee Rajah came from a distance to be present at his burial.

I had been stationed on the corner which was not far from the Forty-eighth Street gambling joint that we were to raid. I had a keen sense of wickedness as I stood there with other loiterers watching the passing throng under the yellow flare of the flaming arc light.

Upon reaching the Strait of Fuca, Vancouver expressed the opinion that there was no river between the fortieth and forty-eighth degrees of north latitude, "only brooks insufficient for our vessels to navigate." Shortly after this time, Vancouver met Captain Gray with his ship Columbia.

"Hello, Boss," we heard come out of the detectaphone box. "Hello, Chief. You surely got us nearly pinched last night. What was the trouble?" "Oh, nothing much. Somehow or other they must have got on to us. I guess it was when I called up the joint on Forty-eighth Street. Three men surprised me, but fortunately I was ready.