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While they were speaking concerning the same, my grandfather observed the wicket open in the gate, and guessing therefrom that it was one spying to forewarn somebody within who wanted to come out unremarked, he made a sign to his companion, and they both threw themselves flat on the ground, and hirsled down the rocks to conceal themselves.

And, as it is with the other passions, so it is with this; it is made good or evil in its acts, as its principle and objects are; when this passion of the soul is good, then it springs from sense of the greatness, and goodness and majesty of God; also God himself is the object of this fear' I will forewarn you, says Christ, 'whom ye shall fear.

One generally knows the crack passages something beginning with 'Oh, woman! but it is well to be in readiness if you would only forewarn me of the telling hits?" "If they cannot tell themselves," said Ethel, smiling, "I don't think they deserve the name." "Perhaps you think what does tell on the undergraduates, collectively, is not always what ought to tell on them." "I don't know.

"Well, if you will promise to do everything I tell you, without a word, without an opinion, without a question, perhaps I will say yes." "I will do everything that you wish!" "But I forewarn you I must be free to do as I please, without giving you the slightest details what I do.

"We shall expect you to give us the key of the room where it is deposited; and if you think fit, in order to screen yourself from blame, you may forewarn us upon our peril not to enter the room." "And what will you do afterwards?" "Send it safely back again." "But if I should refuse you admission?" "Your house will be level with the dust in five minutes."

We cannot believe that a great lord like him you call Edward IV. would land with a handful of men to encounter the armies of Lord Warwick. We forewarn you to get into your ship and go back as fast as ye came, for the stomach of England is sick of brawls and blows; and what ye devise is treason!"

"I do in this case," he said firmly. "Therefore, take my advice and do not court disaster." "Can't you be more explicit?" she asked, much puzzled by his strange words. "No," he answered, shaking his head, "I cannot. I only forewarn you of what must happen. Therefore, I beg of you to take my advice and travel by the alternative route if you really must go to Italy."

Speaking through an interpreter, he stated to them that the vicinity of his province to Greece impressed him with a strong interest in favor of the Cyreian Greeks, and made him anxious to rescue them out of their present desperate situation; that he had solicited the King's permission to save them, as a personal recompense to himself for having been the first to forewarn him of the schemes of Cyrus, and for having been the only Persian who had not fled before the Greeks at Kunaxa; that the King had promised to consider this point, and had sent him in the mean time to ask the Greeks what their purpose was in coming up to attack him; and that he trusted the Greeks would give him a conciliatory answer to carry back, in order that he might have less difficulty in realizing what he desired for their benefit.

His father, as much awestruck by his hopes as distressed by his penitence, still gave himself credit for having soothed him, and went to meet and forewarn the Vicar that poor Fitzjocelyn was inclined to despond, and was attaching such importance to the merest, foibles in a most innocent life, that he required the most tender and careful encouragement.

The attitude of trust banishes dread, and nothing else will effectually and reasonably do it. 'I will forewarn you whom ye shall fear. Him who can slay and who judges. You have, and you cannot break, a connection with God. He ought to be one of two things your ghastliest dread or your absolute trust. 'Only believe then, 'fear not. Believe not, then be afraid; for you have reason to be.