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In hyperæmic headache cupping and blood-letting have been recommended; but as a rule both procedures are not only unnecessary but positively inadmissible, as exclusion of the superfluous amount of blood by compression upon the carotids, followed by a corresponding dilatation of the peripheral circulation by means of the foot-bath, will almost always be sufficient to cause a permanent cessation of the symptoms.

"Nothing particular the matter with her, is there?" asked Portia. There was enough real concern in her voice to save the question from sounding satirical, but her mother's manner was still a little apologetic when she answered it. "No, I think not," she said. "I think the mustard foot-bath and the quinine probably averted serious consequences.

A barrow was raised above Helgi, but when he came in Valhall, then Odin bade him be lord of all things there, even as he; so Helgi sang HELGI: Now shalt thou, Hunding For the help of each man Get ready the foot-bath, And kindle the fire; The hounds shalt thou bind And give heed to the horses, Give wash to the swine Ere to sleep thou goest.

'I should give her, said the doctor at length, 'a tea-spoonful, every now and then, of hot brandy and water. 'Why, that's exactly what we've done, sir! said the delighted landlady. 'I should also, observed the doctor, who had passed the foot-bath on the stairs, 'I should also, said the doctor, in the voice of an oracle, 'put her feet in hot water, and wrap them up in flannel.

Ellis too, and the doctor, and Riley, and Biddy, and Anne; and there was a foot-bath, with steaming hot water in it, on the floor; some mustard on the table; and the fire burnt brightly. These details impressed themselves on Beth's mind involuntarily, as indeed did everything else connected with that time.

Andy had caught eagerly at Eunice's suggestion of the foot-bath, and offered to carry it up himself, while Eunice followed with her towels and basin of hot water.

There were never any bathrooms, and no tubs; our faces and hands were washed, and there was a foot-bath in the room, and in the summer we had a bath and were put to bed afterwards for fear we might catch cold. My stepmother didn't worry much; she used to wear pink dresses all over lace, and the older she got the prettier the dresses got. When is she going?" "Who? Minora? I haven't asked her that."

"Some of our friends might like to have it for a foot-bath, and in using it that way, its golden color and sparkling ornaments would not injure its usefulness." So they went away and took the jeweled dishpan with them. And after wandering through the country for a day or so longer, they learned the news that Ozma had been found.

Rowe caught her pausing she would break her story to say "If you have finished 42 account, put down two candles to 10, and a foot-bath to 14." And Lucy who seldom paused because she had finished her task, as her aunt knew well bent over the table again, and was as content as she was weary. Was it likely that a child put thus into the harness of life, would pass the talk of her aunt with Mr.

"End the farce, fool," he exclaimed to himself despondently, hurrying to the quarters of the Princess. She received him "in her bath," a circumstance not unusual and which meant a covered foot-bath and a handsome déshabillé gown. "Madame," he said. An emotion he could not quite hide caused him to hesitate "my days at Versailles are ended.