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They had offered a five-thousand-dollar reward for news of her, and Ma had done more than ten thousand and thousands of thousands of dollars' worth of holding back news about her, and she was never going to get done giving her her reward.

I don't intend to drive up in a five-thousand-dollar motor and have the agent tack on an extra twenty dollars a month." T. . Buck smiled with engaging agreeableness. "Subway it is," he said. "Your presence would turn even a Bronx train into a rose-garden."

Here you've kept a cage with a five-thousand-dollar lion from tipping over, to say nothing of the people who might have been killed had the brute got out, and you want to know how you can earn a pass to the show? What d'ye think of that?" and the owner appealed helplessly to an assistant who had run across the lot, having been attracted to the scene by the uproar. The assistant grinned.

He does not discuss whether the five-thousand-dollar standard as minimum wage can really be expected. He asks himself only whether the goal can be reached, whether such a socialistic society would really secure a larger amount of human happiness. It is here that he answers that this claim is a psychological illusion.

Carroll owns a famous trotter that he hasn't brought here yet, because he is afraid the stable isn't warm enough. I heard he wanted steam-heat out there, and a room finished for the coachman, and hard-wood floors all over the house. They say he has two five-thousand-dollar rugs." "The house is let furnished, I thought," said Mrs. Van Dorn. "Yes, it is, and the furniture is still there.

"Anybody could sit down and talk proverbs, Abe," he said. "I guess I could talk proverbs in my own store, Mawruss, if I want to," Abe rejoined with dignity. "Sure you could," Morris replied, "but one thing you got to remember, Abe. While the back-number is saying look out before you jump, the up-to-date feller has jumped already, and lands on a five-thousand-dollar order mit both feet already."

As far as the means serve education and æsthetic enjoyment and inner culture, there remains at least a certain parallelism between the amount of supply and the enjoyment. But the average American of the five-thousand-dollar class spends four thousand nine hundred dollars on goods of a different order. Altogether his expenses are the house and the table, the clothes of the women, and his runabout.

The Bonnie Lassie removed a small, sharp implement from the left eye of a stoical figurine and pointed it at herself. "Do you think that's fair?" demanded the indignant youth. The Bonnie Lassie reversed the implement and pointed it at him. "Do you or do you not," she challenged, "invade our humble precincts in a five-thousand-dollar automobile?" "It's my only extravagance."

You've been framing this up, all the time!" "Sure," nodded Wiley, with his old cynical smile, "I just love to be shot at. I got her to come over on purpose." "Well, I'll bet you did!" cried Virginia excitedly. "Didn't you have that officer right there? You've just framed this up to rob us. And how are we going to give a five-thousand-dollar bond when you know we haven't a cent?

Jim Guff's voice cracked as he hastily said: "I'll meet any offer he makes you and tack a five-thousand-dollar bonus to it." Johnny called up the De Luxe Apartments. Company and secured the ear of Mr. Chase. "I withdraw my offer of two hundred and seventy-five thousand for that river-view property," he stated. "What is the best bid you will make me above that figure?"