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The two worthies never moved their glasses; as each, on his inquisitive face, wore the grim, wickedish, half-smile, with which an old stager recalls, in the prowess of his juniors, the pleasant devilment of his own youth. 'The cool, old hand, Sir, too much for your new fireworker, remarked Bligh, cynically.

And here we come to the end for a time at least of Prince Akbar's adventures. Now, if you want to know how much of this so-called veracious story is really true, I cannot quite say. Did some one like Roy really tell the master fireworker that the Heir-to-Empire was hung over the battlements of the bastion? If some one did not, how did the master-fireworker find it out?

'My godmothers, in my baptism that's catechism and all the town of Chapelizod won't put that down the Holy Church Catechism while Hyacinth O'Flaherty, of Coolnaquirk, Lieutenant Fireworker, wears a sword. 'Nobly said, lieutenant! exclaimed Toole, with a sly wink over his shoulder. 'And what about that leedy's neeme, Sir? demanded the enamoured fireworker.

Sumbal, "the master fireworker," as he is called in the old history books, was up betimes seeing to his men, and with him came a grave, silent man, who, though he had no interest in the quarrels of Humâyon and his brothers, was as eager as any to get within the walls of Kâbul and find what he sought a Râjput lad of whom word had been brought to a little half-desert Râjput state lying far away in the Jesulmer plain.

'Be the powers, she's mighty handsome! observed 'Lieutenant Fireworker' O'Flaherty, who, being a little stupid, did not remember that such a remark was not likely to pleasure the charming Magnolia Macnamara, to whom he had transferred the adoration of a passionate, but somewhat battered heart. 'They must not see with my eyes that think so, said Mag, with a disdainful toss of her head.

'I beg your pardon, interposed my uncle, 'Fireworkers, did you say? 'Yes, Sir. 'And what, pray, does a Lieutenant Fireworker mean? 'Why, law bless you, Sir! a Fireworker! 'twas his business to see that the men loaded, sarved, laid, and fired the gun all right.

Sumbal's hand swings the portfire to the breech. Roy sees it, throws up his arms wildly, and with a cry "The bastion! The bastion! The Heir-to-Empire!" falls headlong into the Râjput's arms. "What did he say?" asked the master fireworker, pausing half surprised, half angry. But the Râjput was too busy tearing aside Roy's flimsy, bloodstained waistcoat to answer.

The fact is that Toole knew something of Miss Mag's plans, as he did of most of the neighbours' beside. Old Slowe was, in certain preponderating respects, much to be preferred to the stalworth fireworker, Mr. Lieutenant O'Flaherty. And the two gentlemen were upon her list. Two strings to a bow is a time-honoured provision. Cupid often goes so furnished.

It was not until Puddock had returned, that the gallant fireworker recollected all on a sudden that he had swallowed one of the bags. 'Thwallowed? thwallowed it! said Puddock, looking very blank and uncomfortable; 'why, Thir, I told you you were to be very careful. 'Why, why curse it, it's not, 'tisn't

'By Jove, Sir, it is quite true, Lady Carrick-o'-Gunniol was her godmother: and Toole ran off into the story of how that relationship was brought about; narrating it, however, with great caution and mildness, extracting all the satire, and giving it quite a dignified and creditable character, for the Lieutenant Fireworker smelt so confoundedly of powder that the little doctor, though he never flinched when occasion demanded, did not care to give him an open.