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'You see, Sir, at that time, our Colonel-in-Chief was my Lord Blackwater, continued the old soldier, 'not that we often seen him, for he lived in France mostly; the Colonel-en-Second was General Chattesworth, and Colonel Stafford was Lieutenant-Colonel, and under him Major O'Neill; Captains, four Cluffe, Devereux, Barton, and Burgh: First Lieutenants Puddock, Delany, Sackville, and Armstrong; Second Lieutenants Salt; Barber, Lillyman, and Pringle; Lieutenant Fireworkers O'Flaherty

As gun after gun, with its complement of men and its lieutenant fireworkers, with a 'right wheel, rolled out of the gate upon the broad street, not a soul could look upon the lengthening pageant of blue and scarlet, with its symmetrical diagonals of snowy belt and long-flapped white cartouche boxes, moving together with measured swing; its laced cocked-hats, leggings, and courtly white shorts and vests, and ruffles, and all its buttons and brasses flashing up to the sun, without allowing it was a fine spirited sight.

'Tut, Sir, this O'Flaherty has not been three weeks among us, spluttered out the general, who was woundily jealous of the honour of his corps. 'There are lads among our fireworkers who would whip Nutter through the liver while you'd count ten! 'Hey! no, see, by George, he's walking but he's hurt. 'I'm mighty well pleased it's no worse, Sir, said the general, honestly glad.

'I beg your pardon, interposed my uncle, 'Fireworkers, did you say? 'Yes, Sir. 'And what, pray, does a Lieutenant Fireworker mean? 'Why, law bless you, Sir! a Fireworker! 'twas his business to see that the men loaded, sarved, laid, and fired the gun all right.

Graudentz belonged to Prussia; he avoided passing it; but as that fortress was important to the safety of the army, an officer of artillery and some fireworkers were sent thither, with the ostensible motive of making cartridges; the real motive remained a secret; the Prussian garrison, however, was numerous, and stood on its guard, and the emperor, who had proceeded onward, thought no more of it.