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Updated: August 13, 2024

Sometimes he was the hired bad man of a desert town, whose business it was to shoot terror into the hearts of disturbers from rival towns; sometimes he was a free lance living the devil knows how always dressed like a fashion-plate of the plains in high-heeled boots, wide felt hat, flowing necktie, flannel shirt and velvet trousers.

It had been dismal, there were one or two intransigent kickers, and the aesthetic young Frenchman who spent his idle time drawing pictures of fashion-plate young ladies, had become so unstrung that he had regularly "thrown a fit" and been unconscious for half an hour until they could massage him back to life again.

Benson's private office, saw Honaton leaning against the window-frame, with his hat-brim held against his thigh exactly like a fashion-plate, he knew that something of importance must be pending. Benson, the senior member, was a very different person. He looked like a fat, white, pugnacious cat.

He had timed this to a nicety, hoping to arrive just after the greetings were over and before the game had begun, and he accomplished that purpose; for, with the well-thumbed cards lying between them and three half-emptied steins of beer on the table, Ersten was opposite a pink-faced man with curly gray hair, whose clothes sat upon his slightly portly person with fashion-plate precision.

Charlie was very handsomely got up for the occasion. Emily, Esther, Caddy in fact, all of them agreed that he never looked better in his life. "That is owing to me all my doings," said Kinch exultingly. "He wanted to order his suit of old Forbes, who hasn't looked at a fashion-plate for the last ten years, and I wouldn't let him.

Unconscious of all this, she pursued her way in serene self-satisfaction, a complacency shared by Eugenia, who delighted in the good fortune and bad taste which permitted her to wear dresses of silk or velvet to school every day in the week, and caused her to be as much admired as a little figure in a fashion-plate by those of her companions who were too unsophisticated to know that vain display is a mark of vulgarity.

"Why, it's Mildred Appleby," said Doreen, impatiently, when her brother's blank look had given her the wrong answer. "Surely, you don't mean to say you've forgotten all about her?" "Oh, no, I remember her," answered Max, indifferently. "Tall girl with a fashion-plate face, waltzes pretty well and can't talk. Yes, I remember her, of course."

He made a step forward to follow her, but stopped short, recalled to caution and his danger by the voice of the medicine-man: "I had a friend once good fellow, bad fellow, cleverest chap I ever knew. Tremendous fop ladies loved him cheeks like roses tongue like sulphuric acid. Beautiful to look at. Clothes like a fashion-plate got any fashion-plates in Chaudiere?

"That old fashion-plate, that frivolous, dangerous woman!" "What do her faults matter to you. Who gave you the right to judge other people?" "Who gave you the right, young man, to reproach me? Do you know that I have been in the service for forty years, and that no minister has ever made the slightest criticism to me." "My right is that you have insulted a lady in my house.

Bateson took up the cudgels on Elisabeth's behalf. "She mayn't be exactly handsome I don't pretend as she is; but she has a wonderful way of dressing herself, and looking for all the world like a fashion-plate; and some men have a keen eye for clothes." "I think nothing of fine clothes myself.

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