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"One from Farman, the big manager, and one from Rupert Manton, the Shakespearian actor." "But I am still in Oakdale," replied Anne smiling, "and have come to-day to beg for my secretaryship again." "You delightful child," cried Mrs. Gray. "I knew you would never desert me." "Margaret," she said, turning to Miss Nevin, "would you care to tell my girls what you were telling me when they came in?

These consisted of Farman, Caudron, and Short biplanes, together with Bleriot, Deperdussin and Nieuport monoplanes, certain R.A.F. types, and other machines of which even the name barely survives the resourceful Yankee entitles them 'orphans. It is on record that the work of providing spares might have been rather complicated but for the fact that there were none.

The motor of the Humming-Bird suddenly slackened its speed, it missed explosions, and the trim little craft began to drop behind. "What's the matter?" cried Mr. Damon. "Three of the cylinders are out of business!" yelled Tom. "We're done for, I guess." On came the other machines, Andy in the lead, then the Santos-Dumont, then the Farman, and lastly the Wright.

Incidentally, the Maurice Farman, the last relic of the old type box-kite with elevator in front appeared shorn of this prefix, and became known as the 'short-horn' in contradistinction to its front-elevatored predecessor which, owing to its general reliability and easy flying capabilities, had long been affectionately called the 'mechanical cow. The 1913 Salon also saw some lingering attempts at attaining automatic stability by pendulum and other freak devices.

The Farman machine or the model in which he made the world's duration record in his three hour and sixteen minutes flight at Rheims, is one of the best as well as the cheapest of the French makes. Without the motor it cost but $1,200.

Farman the prize for the flight of longest duration by remaining more than three hours in the air, and the passenger carrying prize by carrying two passengers round a 10-kilometre course in 10-1/2 minutes. The Gnome rotary engine was first used with success at this meeting.

He is a new type, this flying man, a being of self-forgetfulness; of such was Lilienthal, of such was Pilcher; of such in later days were Farman, Bleriot, Hamel, Rolls, and their fellows; great names that will live for as long as man flies, adventurers equally with those of the spacious days of Elizabeth.

It had a single propeller revolving in the centre behind the wings and was fitted with an undercarriage incorporated in the machine. The other chief French experimenters at this period were the Voisin Freres, whose first two machines identical in form were sold to Delagrange and H. Farman, which has sometimes caused confusion, the two purchasers being credited with the design they bought.

In July of 1908 he won a prize of L400 for a flight of thirteen miles, previously having completed the first kilometre flown in Europe with a passenger, the said passenger being Ernest Archdeaon. In September of 1908 Farman put up a speed record of forty miles an hour in a flight lasting forty minutes.

Remember how that Frenchman piled up on the Farman hangars when he tried to bank the corners." "You'll find it pretty rotten when you go over the woods. The air currents there are something scandalous!" "Believe me, it's a lot worse over the fort. Rough? Oh, l