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The gaucho wrapped his poncho on his left arm to use it as a shield, and flourished his facon, or knife with a sword-like blade and a guard to the handle. This whirling about of the knife was quite an art, and had a fine look when two accomplished fighters stood up to each other and made their weapons look like shining wheels or revolving mirrors in the sun.

He was distinguished among his fellows by his tallness, the thickness of his eyebrows and the great length of his crow-black beard, the form and length of his "facon," or knife, which was nothing but a sword worn knife-wise, and the ballads he composed, in which were recounted, in a harsh tuneless voice to the strum-strum of a guitar, the hand-to-hand combats he had had with others of his class fighters and desperadoes and in which he had always been the victor, for his adversaries had all been slain to a man.

Mais ces soi-disant plaisirs mènent de façon très directe au crime: c'est l

When Anderson calls Moses a Grand Master, Joshua his Deputy, and Aholiab and Bezaleel Grand Wardens, the expression is to be looked upon simply as a façon de parler, a mode of speech entirely figurative in its character, and by no means intended to convey the idea which is entertained in respect to officers of that character in the present system.

For greedy landlords Seeing us pressed by hunger Did, in a more than frugal manner, In their infernal hovels, Poisoning instead of feeding, Steal from us our crowns. Car des hotes interesses, De la faim nous voyant presses, D'une facon plus que frugale, Dans une chaumiere infernale, En nous empoisonnant, Nous volaient nos ecus. O siecle different des temps de Lucullus!

Ce changement ne pourra que te faire du bien puisque tu l'as supporte d'une facon aussi parfaite." Here is a part of the answer: "July 22, 1893. "I am extremely pleased with my hotel, which is just what I wanted, both as to convenience of situation, beauty, and charges. "I was in the Academy yesterday, and enjoyed it very much.

Your taboos, I foresee, will prove a most valuable and illustrative study." "I beg your pardon," Philip interposed stiffly, now put upon his mettle. "We have NO taboos at all in England. You're misled, no doubt, by a mere playful facon de parler, which society indulges in.

So numerous were his narratives, that no occasion could possibly arise, no chance expression be let fall on the stage, but Fin had something he deemed, apropos, and which, sans facon, he at once related for the benefit of all whom it might concern; that was usually the entire corps dramatique, who eagerly turned from stage directions and groupings, to laugh at his ridiculous jests.

"Come, come," said I, "the gold of the box may be worth nine guineas, and the facon we will put at six more." "One tausend guineas!" he screeched. "One tausend and fifty pound, dere!" and he sank back in his chair no, by the way, on his bench, for he was sitting with his back to one of the partitions of the boxes, as I dare say James remembers.

"Well, really, Ma'am, you prodigiously surprise me!-mais, apparemment ce n'est qu'une facon de parler? -though I should beg your pardon, for probably you do not understand French?"