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Brussels made her fame by haute-lisse, but in France the low-warp was dubbedla façon de Flandres"; and as Flanders stood for perfection, the weavers did their best to make the low-warp production approach in excellence the famed work of the ateliers to the north, which had formerly so prospered.

So round and round he went with long strides, knees bent and heels never touching the ground. He eyes were fixed and staring and his teeth clenched. Now and then he made long, slashing stabs in the air with the facon. "Suddenly he saw me, and there was a change. The blood lust was in his eyes.

To resent is as foolish as to believe either, though we must admit that it is often a pleasure to be a recipient of the one and to hear the other façon de parler addressed to our opponents. For the stolid Saxon it is a good maxim to tell the truth as pleasantly as possible, but to tell it plainly, and to be honest in admitting defects and recognising dangers.

De façon générale, pourtant, ce monde avait un certain courage personnel. Le cinquième comte de Berkeley avait dit un jour, devant témoins, qu'il n'y a point de honte

Here, then, it seems incumbent upon us to divine, from the façon de parler of that day, what were the eminent virtues which the Princess de Condé needed to deserve the esteem of her husband; or to ask whether tried fidelity, courage, devotedness, were not then ranked among the eminent virtues.

Naturally every one was astonished, and the first thought was, What will happen now? Blood would assuredly flow, and I was there to see and how my elder brothers would envy me! Barboza rose scowling from his seat, and dropping his hand on the hilt of his facon said: "Who is this who forbids me, Basilio Barboza, to sing of 1840?"

"Je suis alle voir George Eliot et Lewes qui a ete charmant; il est venu s'asseoir a cote de moi ou il est reste tout le temps de ma visite, et lorsque je suis parti, il s'est beaucoup plaint de ne pas me voir davantage. Il me traite d'une facon tres affectueuse, et en meme temps avec un respect qui, venant de lui, me flatte beaucoup.