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"Naething kenspeckle," said he, "plain, dacent claes. As for the rapier, nae doubt it sits wi' your degree; but an I had been you, I would hae waired my siller better-gates than that." And proposed I should buy winter-hosen from a wife in the Cowgate-back, that was a cousin of his own, and made them "extraordinar endurable." But I had other matters on my hand more pressing.

It's extraordinar, David man," say he, "that you should be so mortal stupit." Again I begged him to speak out. "Well, it's this of it," said he. "I told ye there were the two kinds of women them that would sell their shifts for ye, and the others. Just you try for yoursel, my bonny man! But what's that neepkin at your craig?" I told him. "I thocht it was something thereabout" said he.

"It's the Campbells, man! You'll have the whole clanjamfry of them on your back; and so will the Advocate too, poor body! It's extraordinar ye cannot see where ye stand! If there's no fair way to stop your gab, there's a foul one gaping. They can put ye in the dock, do ye no' see that?" he cried, and stabbed me with one finger in the leg.

Were the blinds down that night?" Bisset slapped his knee. "The middle blind wasn't working!" he cried. "What a fool I've been not to think on the extraordinar' significance of that fac'! My, the deductions to be drawn! You've made it quite clear now, sir. The man tappit at that windie " "Steady, steady!" said Carrington, smiling and yet seriously. "Don't you go announcing that theory!

It's extraordinar, David man," says he, "that you should be so mortal stupit." Again I begged him to speak out. "Well, it's this of it," said he. "I told ye there were the two kinds of women them that would sell their shifts for ye, and the others. Just you try for yoursel', my bonny man I But what's that neepkin at your craig?" I told him. "I thocht it was something there about," said he.

On reaching the door, I found a great light in the house candles burning up stairs and down stairs, and a sough of something extraordinar going on. I went into the dining-room, where her ladyship was wont to sit; but she was not there only Kate Malcolm all alone, busily picking bits of paper from the carpet.

"Ay," said the father, "we have been up and down the loch, and around the far point, but not for boardin' or lodgin' the night, nor otherwise conteenuing or parteecipating. I have explained to Mr. Gray that we must return to our own home and our own porridge at evening, and he has agreed, and even come with us. He's a decent enough lad, and not above instructin', but extraordinar' extravagant."

"Naething kenspeckle," said he; "plain, dacent claes. As for the rapier, nae doubt it sits wi' your degree; but an I had been you, I would has waired my siller better-gates than that." And he proposed I should buy winter-hosen from a wife in the Cowgate-back, that was a cousin of his own, and made them "extraordinar endurable." But I had other matters on my hand more pressing.

And you standing there like a straw bogle and rinning to fetch your ain sword like a doggie with a pocket-napkin! David, this man Duncansby must be something altogether by-ordinar! He maun be extraordinar skilly. If I had the time, I would gang straight back and try a turn at him mysel'. The man must be a provost." "You silly fellow," said I, "you forget it was just me."

You and I men of the wurrld, I may say we understand them for a' their worth; ay! ma wife too, with whom I observed ye speakin' is maist tolerant of her, but man! it's extraordinar'" he lowered his voice slightly "that yon husband of hers does na' check her freedoms with Kilcraithie. I wadna' say anythin' was wrong, ye ken, but is he no' over confident and conceited aboot his wife?"