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He hungered for further details of this great and highly disturbing matter, but Enwright, jealous by nature and excusably jealous by reason of the fact that despite his immense artistic reputation he had never succeeded in being even Vice-President of the Institute, would say no more. Indeed he took a malicious pleasure in saying no more.

Greyes and Miss Fritten looked round triumphantly at their friends. It was, of course, deplorable that any one should treat the truth as an article temporarily and excusably out of stock, but they felt gratified that the vivid accounts they had given of Mr. Scarrick's traffic in falsehoods should receive confirmation at first hand.

Then he looked hurriedly away, and rose. The captain of the bowling club excusably assumed that James was at length going to attack the serious business of the day. "Now, Mr. Ollerenshaw!" the captain called out; and his tone implied, gently: "Don't you think you've kept me waiting long enough? Women are women; but a bowling-match is a bowling-match."

Boswell's was the melancholy of a man who spends too much, drinks too much, falls in love too often, and is forced to live in the country in dependence upon a stern old parent, when he is longing for a jovial life in London taverns. Still he was excusably vexed when Johnson refused to believe in the reality of his complaints, and showed scant sympathy to his noisy would-be fellow-sufferer.

And certainly circumstances justified the lady's complaisance, for while hitherto hers had been but a fleeting show, it was now, in the excusably imaginative terms of Colonel Pike, an architectural feature of the cold weather.

Then she resorted, excusably under the circumstances, to the somewhat feminine trick, of pinching Tag Mosher's arm sharply. That started the real fight. Dick tripped the bigger fellow, and the pair went down together as Belle leaped back. Click! click! sounded both descending hammers of the sawed-off shotgun.

"He wants to get an excuse for not paying," said Godfrey, with a sneer. "Mind your business," said Andy, excusably provoked. "Do you hear that, mother?" said Godfrey. "Are you going to let that beggar insult me before your very face?" "You have spoken very improperly to my son," said Mrs. Preston. "He spoke very improperly to me at first," said Andy, sturdily.

And what he saw for a few hours in each of a couple of days, I saw every hour of the day and night for four terrible months! But all this is a parenthesis into which I have been led, I hope excusably, by Mrs. Lewes's mention of my illness. N.B. I said at an early page of these recollections that I had never been confined to my bed by illness for a single day during more than sixty years.

At the head of the pier beyond the pavilion, there were gathered together some fifty people, and the tale ran that the second lifeboat had successfully accomplished its mission and was approaching the pier. "I shall write an account of this for the Signal," said Denry, whose thoughts were excusably on the Press. "Oh, do!" exclaimed Nellie.

And yet a caller! "It's a woman," murmured Mary. Until her ear had assured her of this fact she had seemed to be more disturbed than startled by the stir in the lobby. And it was a woman. It was Miss Eva Harracles, one of the principal contraltos in the glee and madrigal club. She entered richly blushing, and excusably a little nervous and awkward.