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The robbers have not been able to go into town to squander their money; they buy nothing, because they take every thing by force, and therefore it is very evident to me that the treasure which they have stolen must be in the ground; but the question is, to find the spot." I repeated the last words the robber had uttered, "Ten paces in a south "

This terrible agitation might cost him yet some hours of great suffering. But he need no longer dread them so much; for there sat the living remedy which he believed he had secured by the strongest possible ties. How fair she was! And, as he looked round once more at Melissa, he observed that her eye was turned on him with evident anxiety.

He took a strong hold of the leather handle at the side and braced his little legs wide apart. It was evident he would put forth some power. Then he set the great muscles of his broad back slowly, like a dray horse testing the load before putting forth his strength. Slowly and surely the little mate's back raised.

Meredith asked, turning to the surgeon. "Oh, not necessarily," the young man replied, yawning slightly behind his hand, and too long accustomed to straightforward questions to be shocked at an evident wish for a direct reply. "His chances are better, because they'll hang him if he gets well.

The shape was graceful and the blade keen and slender. It was evident to them all that the golden sword would not stand hard use, for the edge of the blade would nick and curl like lead, but the queen was delighted with the prize and took it eagerly in her hand.

Some of them giggled as they caught her eye; others whispered together with the visitor as the evident subject of their secret observations; and one girl, seeing that Janice was looking at her, actually stuck out her tongue a pink flag of scorn and defiance!

I believe the negro race," he continued, "to be marked out by the hand of God for servitude; and you must pardon me if I express my surprise that a gentleman of your evident intelligence should seek such a connection you must be labouring under some horrible infatuation." "Enough, sir," replied Mr.

"Pritchen will work through the miners. He'll not touch you himself, that is quite evident, but he'll cut at you in some other way. I've heard him talk; and you have no idea how he's poisoning the men's minds." "Never fear," returned Keith. "We're in the Great Master's keeping, and He will look after us. But come, let us get something to eat.

The news from the front was good; during the last few days the German offensive had wavered; strange signs of weakness began to appear; and well-founded rumours made it evident that there was a secret disorganisation in the formidable mass. People said that the limit of his strength had been passed and that the athlete was exhausted.

That Wynnie, at least, was, her next question made evident. "What you say about a law of nature and a law of the Spirit makes me think again how that walking on the water has always been a puzzle to me." "It could hardly be other, seeing that we cannot possibly understand it," I answered. "But I find it so hard to believe. Can't you say something, papa, to help me to believe it?"