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Updated: August 11, 2024

And I know he could never done them errents in the time she sot, but I'm in hopes he'll throw his powerful influence jest as fur as he can on the side of right, and justice to all the citizens of the U.S., wimmen as well as men. 'Tennyrate, he has showed more heroism now than many soldiers who risk life on the battle field.

And sure enough Elnathan Purdy wanted me to dicker for a calf from Mount Vernon, swop one of his yearlin's for it. But the errents Serepta Pester sent wuz fur more hefty and momentous than all the rest put together, calves, hen coop, cow and all.

Wall, it wuzn't more'n 2 or 3 days after I begun my preparations, that Dorlesky Burpy, a vegetable widow, come to see me; and the errents she sent by me wuz fur more hefty and momentous than all the rest put together, calves, hen-coop, and all.

And he hastened to introduce me to the Senator who entered. And then he bid me a hasty adoo, but cordial and polite, and withdrew himself. I felt glad to have this Senator do Serepta's errents, but I didn't like his looks. My land! talk about Serepta Pester bein' disagreeable, he wuz as disagreeable as she any day. He wuz kinder tall and looked out of his eyes and wore a vest.

I wuz highly tickled to see him, for I had some errents for him, and wanted to advise him for his good, and I advanced with outstretched hand and sez "Mr. President, I am delighted to see you!" He shook hands and said polite, "You have the advantage of me, mom." "Yes," sez I, "folks see your face in the papers."

And when she told 'em over to me, and I meditated on her reasons for sendin' 'em, and her need of havin' 'em done, I felt that I would do the errents for her if a breath was left in my body. I felt that I would bear them 2 errents of hern on my tower side by side with my own private, hefty mission for Josiah.

It wus made with a bask. When the news got out that I wus goin' to Washington on a tower, the neighbors all wanted to send errents by me. Betsey Bobbet wanted me to go to the Patent Office, and get her two Patent-office books, for scrap-books for poetry. Uncle Jarvis Bently wanted me to go to the Agricultural Bureau, and get him a paper of lettis seed.

And you jest said I had convinced you that Serepta's errents wuz errents of truth and justice, and you would love to do 'em." "Well, yes, yes I would love to as it were . But, my dear madam, much as I would like to oblige you, I have not the time to devote to the cause of Right and Justice.

As the laws of the United State wuz, he could not make any move towards doin' either of the errents. Says I, "Can't the laws be changed?" "Be changed? Change the laws of the United States? Tamper with the glorious Constitution that our 4 fathers left us an immortal, sacred legacy?"

And with all my efforts and outlay of oratory and shue leather not one of Serepta Pester's errents could I git done, and no hopes held out of their ever bein' done. And about the middle of the afternoon I gin up, there wuz no use in tryin' any longer and I turned my weary tracks towards the outside door. But as bad as I felt, I couldn't help my sperit bein' lifted up some by the grandeur about me.

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