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"Valla I am sorry to be the one to tell you this, but Medart also sentenced Entos to death for attempted murder on Imperial territory. The sentence has been carried out." Valla growled with an intensity that should not have surprised him but did. "Entos was my best operative, and a friend. I claim Ranger James Medart as my personal prey." "Granted," Thark agreed promptly. "But now to planning.

The White Order against the whole Empire? That's impossible." "I assure you, Major, it is quite possible. Or Thark believes it is, which is effectively the same thing." "Um." Dawson was silent for a few seconds, then said, "Well, it sounds crazy to me, but it isn't something we can risk not checking out." He holstered the blaster. "The other one, Entos is he in the Order?"

They were circling now, both looking for openings, when she saw a flicker of motion from the direction of the Palace entrance. She risked a quick glance, saw it was the Imperial Marine guards running toward them and drawing sidearms. Entos obviously saw them as well, because he snarled and struck for her again. She was starting to parry when the Marines fired, and both Irschchans fell.

Losinj, who is accused of assaulting a Sanctioner officer. He also demands we release Entos." "Send him in," Medart said, the casualness he'd assumed for Corina's benefit vanishing. "I'll handle this myself." "Yes, sir." The viewscreen went blank. Medart turned to Corina. "Did you assault a Sanctioner officer?" "That is a matter of interpretation," she replied.

"How about some more information on this rebellion?" he asked, keeping his tone casual. "I have already told Major Dawson what I am certain about," Corina said quietly. "And the mind-probe of Entos confirmed all of it. But can you tell me why it's happening?" "Thark is convinced that the White Order can rule the Empire much more effectively than you unTalented humans have been doing.

All three waited silently until the door slid open again, to admit the Sanctioner chief. He wasted no time getting to the point. "You have no right to interfere in purely planetary matters," he said. "I must require the return of Losinj and Entos." "You're wrong on two counts," Medart said coldly.

His sudden change of manner had caught her by surprise, and it might have been frightening except that he had defended her, even as he condemned Entos to death. Knowing what he was and seeing him in action were very different things. There was something decidedly attractive about this human, more than just his appearance a something she was beginning to appreciate.

A third bolt went overhead, then the Sanctioner returned the blaster to his belt and called to her. "You have made it to Imperial territory, Losinj, but you are not safe yet! Even if you manage to get past Entos and into the Palace, we can have you extradited as a common criminal, for assaulting a Sanctioner. Think about that!"

That brought a trace of amusement to his voice. "Three Sanctioners, Valla? And Entos? I should think either more than adequate to deal with her." "Either should be," Valla agreed, "but you know I like to take precautions, especially when it is so little trouble. Should she by some stroke of luck escape the Sanctioners, she will not escape Entos." "True," Thark said.

"But she betrayed the Order!" the Sanctioner chief objected. "For that, if nothing else, she deserves to die. Entos was acting properly." "Not under Imperial law," Medart said. "The sentence stands. And I advise you not to get more deeply involved. Just carry out your peace-keeping functions." "But " "No buts," Medart said coldly. "Losinj lives, Entos dies.