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'E's Lord D'Lisle and Dudley, of Penshurst Place h'in Kent, 'im as is descended direct from the Lady Mary, sister of Robert Dudley, 'o married Sir 'Enry Sidney. H'its 'e 'o appoints the master h'over us this very day. But as I was saying, it was 'ere that 'is Majesty King James was right royally h'entertained." "Yes," broke in John, interrupting the rapid flow of expressionless words.

While from afar you could hear the distant rumbling of 'Enry and oor Job. At the sight, M'Adam burst into a storm of passionate invective, and would have rushed on the dog had not James Moore forcibly restrained him. "Bob, lad," called the Master, "coom here!" But even as he spoke, the gray dog cocked his ears, listened a moment, and then shot down the slope.

"He's yer ain dad." "I'll dad him! I'll learn him!" roared David half through the window. At the moment Sam'l Todd came floundering furiously round the corner, closely followed by 'Enry and oor Job. "Is he dead?" shouted Sam'l seeing the prostrate form. "Ho! ho!" went the other two.

Lady Glenlivat and her sons; the most noble the Marquis of Farintosh, and Lord Enry Roy; that makes seven no, nine with the Prince and Princess. Julia, my dear, you came out like a good un to-day. Never heard you in finer voice. Remember Mr. Clive Newcome?" Mr. Clive made bows to the ladies, who acknowledged him by graceful curtsies. Miss Sherrick was always looking to the vestry-door.

"Them, sir," says Cabby, "was put there by 'Enry the Heighth, and this 'ere wall was the purtection of the town when the Frenchmen hassaulted it." "Ho!" says Bunker, contemptuously. "Just fancy one of our ironclads paying any attention to the barking of those popguns!"

While over the yard-wall was now a little cluster of heads: 'Enry, oor Job, Maggie and David, and Vi'let Thornton, the dairy-maid. Straight on to the plank-bridge galloped Owd Bob. In the middle he halted, leant over, and dropped his prisoner; who fell with a cool plop into the running water beneath. Another moment and M'Adam had reached the bank of the stream.

In one corner the English girl whom the man had mentioned sat mending a little crocheted jacket, belonging to one of the children. She was indeed keeping a sharp eye on them. "'Enry," she called authoritatively, "stop teasing those girls, Hi say. Pull the 'airs from your hown 'ead, and see 'ow you like that naow! Sally, you shall not drink the 'ole enjuring time. Leave the cup be!

These, he said, were planted all over the kingdom; some at Melton, to ''unt with the Quorn'; some at Northampton, to ''unt with the Pytchley'; some at Lincoln, to ''unt with Lord 'Enry'; and some at Louth, to ''unt with' he didn't know who. What a fine flattering, well-spoken world this is, when the speaker can raise his own consequence by our elevation!

The butcher was a Englishman, the blacksmith was a Cockney answering to the name of 'Enry Ide, the cobbler was from South Devon somewhere, and the parson was an undergraduate of Oxford. The farmers were mostly Scotch, and the village store-keeper was David Macpherson.

'E'd say, ''Enry, me boy, w'y don't ye finish your term and git a screw o' sixteen pun' per, but I was allus a " "That's all right!" cried Leonard delightedly. "I don't care whether you're a full-fledged engineer or not. You're hired for this job. Understand? You'll get full wages, and then some. I'll " "Oh! I can 'andle a little hengine like this, sor. That's th' inspirator, sor," he pointed.