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Lastly, he dressed himself with care and called upon Miss Elserly. Before sending up his card, he penciled upon it "avec nouvelles a lire," which words the servant scanned with burning curiosity, but of which she could remember but one, when she tried to repeat them to the grocer's young man, and this one she pronounced "arick," as was natural enough in a lady of her nationality.

Brown's mother, made haste to pay them, and, as rewards of merit, brought away confirmation of the report. Then, before the gossips had reported the probable engagement of Miss Elserly to Major Mailing, the lady and major made the announcement themselves to their intimate friends, and the news quickly reached every one who cared to hear it.

Brown said he had accidentally met the major and had successfully acted as his agent in relieving him from his embarrassments. He had the pleasure of delivering a letter from the major, and hoped it might make Miss Elserly as happy to receive it as it made him to present it. Miss Elserly expressed her thanks, and then Mr.

How many proposals Miss Elserly had received no one knew; for two or three years no one was able to substantiate an opinion, from the young lady's walk and conversation, that she specially preferred any one of her personal acquaintances; but at length it became evident that she evinced more than the interest of mere acquaintanceship in Hubert Brown, the best of the native-born young men of the village.

Brown and Miss Elserly, noticed that when the young couple exchanged words and glances, Miss Elserly's well-trained features were not so carefully guarded as they usually were in society.

He cannot have done this out of love for me, for he knows nothing of me but that which should make him hate me, on both personal and moral grounds. He says he did it because he loved you, and because he wants to see you happy. Miss Elserly, such love cannot be a thing of the past only, and it is so great that in comparison with it the best love that I have ever given you seems beneath your notice.

When, however, allusion was ever made to "the rivals" no one doubted to whom the reference applied: it was always understood that the young men mentioned were those two of Miss Florence Elserly's admirers for whom Miss Elserly herself seemed to have more regard than she manifested toward any one else.

More than this I cannot dare to think of being, after my own fall and the overpowering sense I have of the superior worth of another. God bless you. Mr. Brown hastily laid the letter aside, and again called upon Miss Elserly.

There has always been some disagreement among the young ladies of Bleighton as to Miss Elserly's exact rank among beauties, but there was no possibility of doubt that Miss Elserly attracted more attention than any other lady in the town, and that among her admirers had been every young man among whom other Bleighton ladies of taste would have chosen their life-partners had the power of choosing pertained to their own sex.

Brown called in a physician, to whom he said his friend was suffering from severe mental depression, brought on by causes now removed; but the doctor's prescriptions failed to have any effect. Finally, when Brown was to start for the East the major, paler and thinner than ever, handed him a letter addressed to Miss Elserly.