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Alas! what he took for perpetual motion was but an eight-day clock, and I need not call your attention to the present dead and leaden stillness of its pendulum. Although my earliest notoriety was achieved in very much the same way, that is, by a series of comic sketches, as many of my admirers no doubt remember, I soon perceived the unstable character of my reputation.

"She's to be at the end o' the pier in five minutes," said the captain, drawing out and consulting a watch that was large enough to have been mistaken for a small eight-day clock. "This is my nephy, Ruby. Ruby Brand Leftenant Lindsay. True blues, both of ye 'When shall we three meet again?

When George came home he found everything in disorder, and his new furniture covered with soot. The eight-day clock, which hung against the wallone of the most highly-prized articles in the housewas much damaged by the steam with which the room had been filled; and its wheels were so clogged by the dust and soot that it was brought to a complete standstill.

When the confusion was over, the Court Astrologer was found to have turned into an eight-day clock, with a sun, moon, and stars arrangement, a planetary indicator, and a calendar calculated for two thousand years. The banquet ended rather gloomily, although the gifts of the other fairies, such as health, wealth, and beauty, managed to make everyone a little more cheerful.

It was full of the stories of many lives; but, as Grannie said to herself, "I'll have heaps of time by and by to fret about the eight-day clock, and the little oak bureau under the window, and the plates, and cups, and dishes, and tables; I need not waste precious minutes over 'em now."

It was a long business; and Carthew made it longer, for he was insatiable of details; and it had struck midnight on the old eight-day clock in the corner before I had made an end. "And now," said he, "turn about: I must tell you my side, much as I hate it. Mine is a beastly story. You'll wonder how I can sleep. I've told it once before, Mr. Dodd." "To Lady Ann?" I asked.

He fitted the key in the lock; the sound of its turning made music in his ears, and, setting his foot upon the sill, he was a man for whom that little was enough. Nicholas Oldfield was at home. He laid down his bag, and went, without an instant's pause, straight through to the sitting-room, and stood before the tall eight-day clock.

The pitmen themselves would saunter aimlessly in and out of the houses, so changed from the cottages well stocked with furniture, with gay-coloured pictures on the wall, an eight-day clock, and many another little valuable, and all gone one after another.

She's just waiting for Old Aunt to drop off and then she'll want to have Daisy herself to wait on her, like. She'd turn quite nasty if she thought there was a young fellow what stood in her way." She glanced at the dock, the pretty little eight-day clock which had been a wedding present from a kind friend of her last mistress.

He took his rusty old silk hat from its hook beside the eight-day clock, and went out quietly. For the first minute in his life Paul truly loved him. 'It would ha'served me right, he mourned, 'if he'd ha' knocked me down. It's a lot better as it is, though; but it's hard to bear.