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Updated: August 5, 2024

Then Pharaoh sent a messenger in haste, And Joseph from the dungeon was releas'd: And having shav'd himself and chang'd his clothes, Into the presence of the king he goes. To whom King Pharaoh said, I have been told Thou canst the meaning of a dream unfold: Now I have dream'd a dream, and there is none Can give me the interpretation.

It was as early as seventeen that he wrote the stanzas which open beautifully, "I dream'd I lay where flowers were springing," and also the ballad, "My father was a farmer upon the Carrick border," which, years afterwards, he used to con over with delight, because of the faithfulness with which it recalled to him the circumstances and feelings of his opening manhood.

"Why, what's this all about?" "That's what I want to know. I borrowed a five-pound-note off of him a fortnight ago when I was drunk, an' now he sends me that." "Well, I never would have dream'd that of Dinny," says the cousin, scratching his head and blinking. "What's come over him at all?" "That's what I want to know." "What have you been doing to the man?"

It is this obedience to the life of the spirit that Whitman had in mind when he said: "And whoever walks a furlong without sympathy walks to his own funeral drest in his shroud." It was the full flowering of the law of mutuality and service that he saw when he said: "I saw a city invincible to the attacks of the whole of the rest of the earth. I dream'd that it was the new City of Friends.

As we clambered among the boulders, piloted by Johannes, he droned away at his chorus part: 'She took me to her elfin grot, And there she wept, and sighed full sore, And there I shut her wild, sad eyes With kisses four. 'And there she lulled me asleep, And there I dream'd Ah woe betide! The latest dream I ever dream'd On the cold hill's side. We found Browne in a nook among the rocks.

I dream'd that sumbody had laid a hosswhip over me sev'ril conseckootiv times; and when I woke up I found she had. I hain't drank much of anythin' since, and if I ever have another reorganizin' job on hand I shall let it out. My wife is 52 years old, and has allus sustained a good character. She's a good cook.

From my very birth My soul was drunk with love, which did pervade And mingle with whate'er I saw on earth; Of objects all inanimate I made Idols, and out of wild and lonely flowers And rocks whereby they grew, a paradise, Where I did lay me down within the shade Of waving trees, and dream'd uncounted hours, Though I was chid for wandering.

Yet I have dream'd, merged in that hidden-tangled problem of our fate, whose long unraveling stretches mysteriously through time dream'd out, portray'd, hinted already a little or a larger band a band of brave and true, unprecedented yet arm'd and equipt at every point the members separated, it may be, by different dates and States, or south, or north, or east, or west Pacific, Atlantic, Southern, Canadian a year, a century here, and other centuries there but always one, compact in soul, conscience-conserving, God-inculcating, inspirid achievers, not only in literature, the greatest art, but achievers in all art a new, undying order, dynasty, from age to age transmitted a band, a class, at least as fit to cope with current years, our dangers, needs, as those who, for their times, so long, so well, in armor or in cowl, upheld and made illustrious, that far-back feudal, priestly world.

Then the chief butler, making his address Unto King Pharaoh, said, I now confess My former faults, for when the king was wroth With his chief butler, and chief baker both, It pleased him, to put us both in ward, In the house of the captain of the guard: And in one night we dream'd a dream, each one According to 's interpretation: And there was then an Hebrew there in ward, A youth that serv'd the captain of the guard: To whom we told whereof we had been dreaming, And he interpreted to us the meaning; And what he said fell out accordingly, Me he restored to my dignity, But told the baker he should surely die.

And Joseph coming early the next day, Into the room where Pharaoh's servants lay, Beheld their countenances much dejected: Wherefore he said, What evil hath effected This melancholy frame, what is't that causes These marks of discontentment in your faces? Then said they, We have dream'd each man his dream, And there is no man to interpret them. Then Joseph said, Your dreams to me make known.

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