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Updated: August 11, 2024

There is no limit to what human beings may be driven to by stress of weather, and especially by that 'clearing shower, by which the dwellers in Lakeland are wont euphemistically to describe its continuous downpours.

Cosmo made the measurements with instruments, and announced that the result showed the substantial accuracy of Captain Arms's guess. "I suspected as much," he muttered. "Those tremendous downpours, which may have been worse elsewhere than where we encountered them, have increased the rise nearly seventy per cent, above what my gages indicated.

Those two slayers of foes continued to cover each other with their keen shafts. Both endued with wonderful prowess, they filled the welkin with their arrowy downpours. Those two mighty car-warriors shooting at each other keen shafts from desire of taking each other's life, became exceedingly beautiful to behold like two clouds pouring torrents of rain.

Dhananjaya, however, baffled by means of his own arrowy downpours the flights of arrows shot by Radha's son, that warrior of the blazing bow, that hero of bright shafts. And similarly, Adhiratha's son also baffled the shafts of Arjuna of supreme energy. Resisting Arjuna's weapons thus by his own, Karna uttered loud shouts and shot many shafts at his antagonist.

It remained there fully a month, which caused them fresh astonishment each time they met in the path. Nor did the rain frighten them. They came to see each other through the heaviest downpours, though they got wet to the skin in doing so.

Having slain Vrihadvala thus, the son of Subhadra careered in battle, paralysing thy warriors, those great bowmen, by means of arrowy downpours, thick as rain." "Sanjaya said, 'Phalguni's son once more pierced Karna in the car with a barbed arrow, and for angering him still further, he pierced him with fifty other shafts. The son of Radha pierced Abhimanyu in return with as many shafts.

Incapable of brooking that feat, Bhimasena took up another bow and pierced Drona's son in that battle with five keen shafts. Indeed, showering upon each other their arrowy downpours like two masses of clouds at the close of summer, two warriors, with eyes red as copper in rage, completely covered each other in that battle with their shafts.

The fact is, I hope it isn't, for now that it has gone so far, I'd like to see the top-knot of the earth covered." "Well, it certainly couldn't do any more harm if it got up as high as the moon," responded the captain. They spent four days sailing to and fro over India, and during the first three of those days there were intermittent downpours.

Nor shack nor shelter made for man, and only one place where there was water to wet his lips if they cracked with thirst, unless, perchance, one of those swift desert downpours came riding on the wind, lashing the clouds with lightning. Far ahead of Casey such a storm rolled in off the barren hills to the south.

Here you find the hot sink of Death Valley, or high rolling districts where the air has always a tang of frost. Here are the long heavy winds and breathless calms on the tilted mesas where dust devils dance, whirling up into a wide, pale sky. Here you have no rain when all the earth cries for it, or quick downpours called cloud-bursts for violence.

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