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It was a subject often and earnestly debated by myself and Pinkerton. In his opinion I should instantly discard my profession. "Just drop it, here and now," he would say. "Come back home with me, and let's throw our whole soul into business. I have the capital; you bring the culture.

To introduce European pigments, canvas, brushes, &c., and discard the materials formerly in use, to get rid of the Japanese method of treating subjects, whether landscapes, country scenes, the life of the people, representations of animals, and so on, and replace that method by imitations of European schools of painting, must simply involve the destruction of all that is essentially and characteristically Japanese and the replacing of it by something that is not Japanese or indeed Oriental.

He may be able to discard his philosophy; to forget that the evils are many and the remedies are few, that there is no universal panacea, that fatality is invincible, that there is an implacable menace of death in the triumph of the humanitarian idea. He may forget all that because love is stronger than truth. Besides "Crainquebille" this volume contains sixteen other stories and sketches.

"That's about it, sir." "What capital have you in the business?" "What capital?" "Yes; how much did you put into it at starting?" Lopez paused a moment. He had got his wife. The marriage could not be undone. Mr. Wharton had money enough for them all, and would not certainly discard his daughter. Mr.

I do not mean to say we are bound to follow implicitly in whatever our fathers did. To do so would be to discard all the lights of current experience to reject all progress, all improvement.

Preconceptions he must discard as unfit, if not fatal. He is an alien until he learns to house, feed, and dress himself in accordance with the inviolable laws which Nature prescribes to each and every portion of her spacious and discordant realm. Was I to remain fully clad and comfortless, or the reverse?

She looked at him with a smile, held out her hand; and Hubert received a strange little electric thrill, to see that her eyes were full of tears. He took the hand and raised it to his lips, wondering if the young lady, struck by his good looks, had conceived a rash and inordinate attack of love at first sight, and was about to offer herself to him and discard Sir Norman for ever.

This was of a Friday, and on the Saturday following David did his first startling act he offered marriage to Hope Marlowe, the only Quaker girl in Framley who had ever dared to discard the poke bonnet even for a day, and who had been publicly reproved for laughing in meeting for Mistress Hope had a curious, albeit demure and suggestive, sense of humour; she was, in truth, a kind of sacred minuet in grey.

"You have, as you say, a perfect right," replied the Jesuit; "and I am convinced that it will not affect him in the least." "He shall have one slave the fewer for me," added the Count. "I discard my allegiance once for all." "As you please," concluded the other; "but at least be ready, for I perceive we are about to enter on the scene."

You may all discard her, but I will not! I will always acknowledge her, and I must see her! She is dearer to me than ever; I will not be separated from her!" Did Bertha see the look of admiration with which M. de Bois contemplated her as she uttered these words? The countess asked in an imperious tone, "Bertha, have you wholly forgotten yourself? I will never permit this intercourse, I forbid it!