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Six months afterwards they were married, and by Dirk's wish took the child, who was christened Adrian, to live with them. A few months later Lysbeth entered the community of the New Religion, and less than two years after her marriage a son was born to her, the hero of this story, who was named Foy. As it happened, she bore no other children.

This narrow hook of land, destined, in future ages, to be the cradle of a considerable empire, stretching through both hemispheres, was, thenceforth, the inheritance of Dirk's descendants. Historically, therefore, he is Dirk I., Count of Holland.

"Upon my word, I beg the pardon of each of you, but Colson here has made the only respectable R-curve there is in the company." Then if his sister Mart had seen the glow on Dirk's face, I am not sure that she would have known him. There was a momentary transformation. As for Mrs.

"As a matter of fact his life depends upon it." "Yus 'is life," Dirk echoed. "I tell you my master is not here." "Isn't 'e isn't 'e." Dirk's two hands fastened on Flora's wrist and twisted the flesh in contrary directions, a domestic form of torture known to the initiated as the Burning Bracelet.

The Boer was about to return it when suddenly his eye fell upon Jess's saddle. "How is it that the girl is riding on a man's saddle?" he asked. "Why, I know that saddle; let me look at the other side. Yes, there is a bullet-hole through the flap. That is Swart Dirk's saddle. How did you get it?" "I bought it from him," answered Jess without a moment's hesitation. "I could get nothing to ride on."

But the young fellow persisted in gloomily refusing to join them, and presently they began to tease, in what they meant to be a good-natured way. "Dirk's struck," said one. "That yellow-haired party has got him by the throat; I saw her looking at him most uncommon sharp, when she was telling that biggest story of hers, about the serpent that swallowed.

This narrow hook of land, destined, in future ages, to be the cradle of a considerable empire, stretching through both hemispheres, was, thenceforth, the inheritance of Dirk's descendants. Historically, therefore, he is Dirk I., Count of Holland.

Back there in the darkness, he thought, Dirk's child was dying for want of medicine. Oh! what to do? He looked down at the foam creeping about his ankles, and said to himself, "Pshaw! it's only over shoe, now, and my feet are wet already. I'll dash through; 'twon't take but three minutes, and I can't wait!"

Dirk's house was the first to undergo repairs, and Noll took every opportunity to go over to Culm to see how matters were progressing.

O Lord! seems as ef I sh'u'd go mad!" and he threw up his hands to the lowering sky in despair, and faced about to the sea, letting the cold drops drive into his face. Noll was fain to comfort him, but was at a loss how to offer consolation to such anguish as Dirk's. "Isn't there some one on the Rock that can help, that knows something about medicine?" he asked, eagerly. "No, no, lad!"