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Updated: August 29, 2024

It happened that Dirck had been stopped by a gentleman of his acquaintance, who had just left the building, and who was laughingly relating some incident that had occurred within. I stood on one side of Anneke, Jason on the other, while Mari was close in the rear. "A quarter for each gentleman and the lady," said the door-keeper, "and a shilling for the wench."

I was thought to have some taste in these matters, and had been consulted on the subject of laying out grounds by one or two neighbours in the county. "Whose house is it, Dirck?" I enquired; "and how came you to know anything about it?" "That is Lilacsbush," answered my friend; "and it belongs to my mother's cousin, Herman Mordaunt."

Similar to this, except for the well-wrought tops of the standards and the curved supplementary supports, is the scraper of the Dirck Keyser doorway, Number 6205 Germantown Avenue, Germantown. Regarded as a whole this design suggests nothing so much as the back and arms of an early English armchair. On the same page with these is shown another strange Philadelphia scraper.

As for my young hostess, I knew she looked more gratified with my song than with the afterpiece, and that I felt to be something. Dirck had an occasion to renew a little of the ground lost by the toast, for he sang a capital comic song in Low Dutch.

According to our New York parlance, six or eight hundred acres are not an estate; nor two or three thousand, scarcely, but ten, or twenty, and much more, forty thousand acres of land might be dignified with the name of an estate! The first knotty point discussed, was to settle the manner in which Dirck and myself should reach Mooseridge.

You know, my father has a great dread of a yankee's getting a finger into any of his bargains. He says the yankees are the locusts of the west." "But, how came you to know any thing about it, Dirck?" "I am no yankee, Corny." "And your father told you on the strength of this recommendation?" "He told me, as he tells me most things that he thinks it best I should know.

This coat was of a light pea-green colour, and but little adapted to the season; but Jason had not much notion of the fitness of things, in general, in matters of taste. Dirck and myself wore our ordinary snuff-coloured coats, under our furs; but Jason threw aside all the overcoats, when we came near Albany, in order to enter the place in his best.

I kept up my intimacy with Dirck Follock, during the whole time I remained at college. He continued the classics with Mr. Worden, for two years after I left the school; but I could not discover that his progress amounted to anything worth mentioning.

Erected in 1730-31 by John Bartram; Old Green Tree Inn, 6019 Germantown Avenue, Germantown. Erected in 1765-68 by Dirck Jansen; Billmeyer House, Germantown Avenue, Germantown.

A bird could scarcely have flown more directly to its object. The half-hour that succeeded the disappearance of Susquesus, in the mouth of the ravine, was one of intensely painful suspense. We all remained without the gate, waiting the result, including Dirck, Mr. Worden, Jason, and half-a-dozen of the settlers.

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