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Updated: August 19, 2024

There's no fire lit in the drawin'-room. But there's the dinin'-room; it do smell a bit smoky, for master 'e loves 'is pipe. 'E smokes a lot in the dinin'-room, miss." "Show us into the dining-room," said Aneta. She ran back to fetch Lady Lysle, and conducted that amazed and indignant woman into the house. Tildy rushed upstairs to fetch her mistress. "You get into your best gown in no time, mum.

Honest, in all I'd seen of him at the Corrugated, I'd never known Warrie Mason to act so much like a live one. There was no stopping him. Before I could register any more protests, he'd hauled Valentina out of the cab, taken her by the arm, and was steerin' her slam into the middle of the Tarleton's Looie Cans dinin'-room.

Ef you refoose, then, by the living God, I'll slap yer face in the dinin'-room, or in the office afore them all! You hear me!"

About the third lap some of the gents from the private dinin'-room pokes their heads out to see what's happened to the guest of the evenin'. They saw, all right! They must have been suspicious, too; for they were lookin' anxious, and begun signaling him to break away. The Baron didn't have no time for watchin' signals just then. He was busy tryin' to keep his feet on the floor.

When Thankful came she looked grave enough. "I'm awful glad to see you, Cap'n," she said. "I've been wantin' to talk to some sane person; the one I've been talkin' to ain't sane, not now. Come into the dinin'-room. Imogene, you needn't finish clearin' away till I tell you to. You stay in the kitchen here."

So to-night I pushed open the swinging door, felt my way along the dark passage, and crossed the small yard choked with snow at the precise minute when the two hands of the great clock in the tall tower pointed to six. The door was opened by Chad. "Walk right in, suh; de colonel's in de dinin'-room." Chad was wrong.

"Hamilton," said Master Freddie. "Well, sir?" said the other. "Whuzzamatter wizze dinin'-room doors?" "Nothing is the matter, sir." "Then why dontcha openum?" The man rolled them back; another vista lost itself in the darkness. "Lights," commanded Master Freddie; and the butler pressed a button, and a flood of brilliant incandescence streamed from above, half-blinding Jurgis.

She holds up dinner forty-five minutes while she sheds her travelin' costume for an evenin' gown. And it's some startlin' creation she springs on us about the time we're ready to bite the glass knobs off the dinin'-room doors. She's a stunner, all right, and she sails down with that baby stare turned on full voltage.

Why, that devil's got a regular little theatyre back o' the dinin'-room for the young folks to act ammyture plays in, and the shows that come along, and he's got a dance-hall besides; the parlors ain't much folks like to set in the office; and a good many of the rooms are done off into soots, and got their own parlors. I tell you, it's swell, as they say.

"It was splendid," declared Sylvia as Grace and Flora dismounted and the three little friends entered the house. Flora's black "Mammy" was waiting for them on the piazza. "Thar's some 'freshments fur yo' in de dinin'-room," she said; and the girls were glad for the cool milk and the tiny frosted cakes which a negro girl served them.

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