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Scotland Yard, the Service de la Sûreté, everybody, says that. I don't mean dime-novel disguises false whiskers and a limp. I mean the ability to be the character he pretends the thing that used to make Joe Jefferson Rip Van Winkle and not an actor made up to look like it. That's the reason nobody could keep track of Mulehaus, especially in South American cities.

You learned it in the first dime-novel you read." "I never read a dime-novel in my life," she interrupted, indignantly. "I know you paid a dollar and a quarter for it but it was a dime-novel. The philosophy of this school of trash you have built into a creed of life. How can you be so blind? How can you make so tragic a blunder?"

But they sat a good while, discussing various plans for Maud's advantage, and arriving at nothing definite; for her own ideas were based upon a dime-novel theory of the world, and Farnham at last concluded that he would be forced finally to choose some way of life for his protegee, and then persuade her to accept it.

"Haven't you ever read," says he, "of Gasparilla?" "Is it a new drink, or what?" says I. "No, no," says he. "Gasparilla, the great pirate, once the terror of the Spanish Main. Surely you must have read about him." "Nope," says I. "That Nick Carter junk never got to me very strong." The Cap. stares at me sort of surprised and pained. "But this isn't a dime-novel story I am telling," he protests.

Warrington must never get a chance to accept." Bolles looked at Martin. McQuade saw the look, and, interpreting it, laughed. "These are no dime-novel days. We don't kill men to get 'em out of the way. We take a look into their past and use it as a club." "I begin to see," said Martin. "Warrington must be side-tracked before the convention. Good. That'll be simple." "Not very," McQuade admitted.

About twenty miles below the mouth of the Wabash river, there was a resort of robbers such as might belong to the most lurid dime-novel list the famous Cave-in-the-Rock, in the bank of the Ohio river. This cavern was about twenty-five feet in height at its visible opening, and it ran back into the bluff two hundred feet, with a width of eighty feet.

From the pocket of the last to respond protruded the unmistakable cover of a dime-novel. Him the professor seized first, and having gravely examined his head, announced, "Ladees and gentlemans, for this boy I predict a great future. Never have I seen such sign of literary taste. Yes, he will be great unless he go west to kill ze Indian, and ze Indian see him first."

Could you imagine Little Sure Shot, the Terror of the Pawnees, drunk or sober, doing an asinine thing like that? Not in ten thousand years, you couldn't. But then we must remember that Little Sure Shot, being a moral dime-novel hero, never indulged in alcoholic beverages under any circumstances.

'I don't take no stock in high-falutin'. If you're trying to scare me by that dime-novel talk I guess you've hit the wrong man. You're like the sweep that stuck in the chimney, a bit too big for your job. I reckon you've a talent for romance that's just wasted in soldiering.

The guide took the hunter to Spike-buck Spring, which is at the head of a ravine under the limestone ridge, and showed to him the footprints of a big bear in the mud and along the bear trail that crosses the spring. One glance at the track of Pinto's foot was sufficient to dispel all the dime-novel day dreams of the sportsman and start a readjustment of his plan of campaign.